Facebook updates its iOS app as well

Updated on 14-Dec-2012

The code crunchers up at Facebook HQ have been hard at work pushing out a brand new Android app today, but also making live an updated version of the iOS app. The update brings a number of tweaks to the iOS app, along with a new feature.

For starters, the way the app loads the newsfeed has been optimized to make the loading times much shorter. Of course there is no real benchmark test to prove that, but we’ve been browsing Facebook all day from our iPhone and it does seem like the loading times are shorter.

The second update is to the Timeline feature in the app. Timeline for iOS app was implemented some time ago, but was slow and often problematic, leading to app crashes. Facebook HQ reports that they have built the Timeline for the iOS app ground up, making sure that it loads without any hiccups. Again, through our day spend on Facebook all day, we can confirm that not once did we have issues jumping from profile to profile.

The last, and perhaps most important addition to the whole shebang is that the app now allows selecting an album to upload photos to. The Android counterpart of the app has had this ability for a while now, so we’re only wondering why the feature was not there on iOS to begin with. Regardless, the point is that it’s here and it works. To get the update, just hit the update button in the App Store on your iOS device.

Swapnil Mathur

Swapnil was Digit's resident camera nerd, (un)official product photographer and the Reviews Editor. Swapnil has moved-on to newer challenges. For any communication related to his stories, please mail us using the email id given here.

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