Apple to combine Find My Friends & Find My iPhone into one unified app: Report

Apple to combine Find My Friends & Find My iPhone into one unified app: Report

The new information comes courtesy 9to5 Mac.

The new app will unify and replace Find My Friends and Find My iPhone apps.

The app will be available for MacOS and iOS.

9to5Mac reports that Apple is working on a new app. This app will be available for iOS and MacOS and will combine the features of the Find My Friends and Find My iPhone apps. The app is codenamed “GreenTorch” and is currently under testing by Apple engineers. There is no information on when the app will hit consumers hands. 

According to the source, the new unified app has an improved ability to find a user’s devices. Called “Find Network”, the feature allows devices to be tracked even when not connected to Wi-Fi or to a cellular network.

In addition to sharing the device location with family members, users can also share their location with friends. When a user shared location with a friend, a notification is received by the friend when the user arrives at or leaves a specific location. All devices including AirPods can be found using the app. A device can be put into lost mode and it will make a sound, just like the phone does when it is put in lost mode. 

According to the source, Apple is working on a device called “B389” that can help users track any device. Not just Apple devices. This new hardware will be a device that can be attached to any item – similar to the Panasonic Seekit. According to 9to5 Mac, “The tag will be paired to a user’s iCloud account by proximity to an iPhone, like AirPods. Users will be able to receive notifications when their device gets too far away from the tag, preventing them from forgetting the item the tag is attached to. Certain locations can be added to a list of ignored locations so that the item can be left at those locations without the user being notified. The location of a tag can also be shared with friends or family.”

The Find my Phone and Find my Mac apps have been really helpful not only when the Apple are stolen, but also in case one forgets their device at a friends place. 

Since the upcoming app is a Marzipan app, it will be easily used on the Mac and iOS devices. Marzipan essentially helps developers easily port iPhone and iPad apps to the Mac OS, making the availability of the app on iOS and MacOS seamless.

Sameer Mitha

Sameer Mitha

Sameer Mitha lives for gaming and technology is his muse. When he isn’t busy playing with gadgets or video games he delves into the world of fantasy novels. View Full Profile