Apple launches Beats Pill+ app for Android, gets trolled by fanboys

Apple launches Beats Pill+ app for Android, gets trolled by fanboys

The Beats Pill+ app is Apple’s second app on the Android platform, designed to control the wireless Bluetooth Beats Pill+ speaker.

On October 29, Apple launched a companion app to the Beats Pill+ Bluetooth speakers on Google Play Store, its second application on the Android platform. No sooner had the app been launched than troll comments and 1-star reviews started trickling in from Android fanboys.

Apple’s first outing in the world of Android apps was not a very ceremonious affair. The Move to iOS app was intended for users to smoothly transfer data from Android devices to an iOS device. Needless to say, it received a lot of hate from the Google faithful. Apple’s second app on the Play Store is also getting its fair share of flak. Released as a companion app to the Beats Pill+ Bluetooth wireless speaker, it allows users to control the device with an Android smartphone. Unlike Move to iOS, the Beats Pill+ is an utility app that has got very little to do with the issues that bother Android users about Apple and its devices. However, that hasn’t stopped some enthusiastic Android fans from bashing the app with troll comments and 1-star reviews. Some of the comments are hilarious, and most of them revolve around the idea of the app being intended for some medical device. Sample a few:

forgotten soul (1 star): Does not work with my prescription pills I tried to pair this with my pills but it simply does not work. Thanks apple!!! 
Pat Worster (1 star): Incorrectly advertised Downloaded this app expecting it to be a cloud-based prescription medication reminder. Instead it's some Google play music knockoff. Uninstalled, don't know what the developer was thinking when they made this.
Sachin Thakkar (1 star): Did not cure my flu like symptoms. What kind of a pill is this? 

However, the situation isn’t all that bad, with several people also giving the app a 5-star rating to offset the 1-star ratings. There were also a few voices of reason with a certain Danny Alvarez writing, “It's good I don't have a beats pill but it follows material design and is pretty well done. Apple or not, it's a good app and it isn't a lame attempt to get people to move to iOS.” Apple is also beta-testing the Android version of Apple Music, which is likely to be launched soon.

Rik Ray