Air India has launched a new mobile App to make bookings quicker and easier while on the move. The airlines has also announced a new account @airindiain on the micro blogging site Twitter to address customer queries.
The Air India mobile app allows users to book tickets, manage the booking, check-in for a flight, look up fare details and also make special requests for meals and wheelchair. The app has been launched for Android OS and will be extended to iOS soon. Air India which already has a Facebook page and has also announced a Twitter account to handle customer queries.
Presence on social networking site will help Air India widen its reach further. The airlines has created a back-end team dedicated to handling its Twitter account. India has over 15.3 million Twitter users, with 73.3% of these in the age group of 15-25 years and approx 14.9% are in the age group of 26-35 years.
Air India will be the sixth Indian airline to take to Twitter. Jet Airways (India) Ltd has about 55,000 Twitter followers, SpiceJet Ltd has about 17,000, and IndiGo has 14,000 followers approximately.
"We will be launching our Twitter account in the next few days,” said Rohit Nandan, chairman and managing director of Air India. “I know it’s a tough task for us to be there, but we have to improve our customer services and I think this is the step in that direction. This will keep us on our toes. We would try to do our best so we can solve customer queries in real time. And gradually scale up our efforts,” Nandan said.
Recently Indian railways website IRCTC has also launched its Android app called the IRCTC Connect earlier this month. The app is already available for Windows and Blackberry platforms.
Source: TOI