How to use Pocket

Updated on 06-Jan-2014

Pocket (previously called Read It Later) allows you to save web content for later reading. Here's how you can make the most of it

So you like reading tons of web pages and articles on the web and you just can’t think of quitting a web page without completely reading it. But Alas! you don’t have time to do it; This is where read later apps like Pocket come to your rescue. Among the other read later apps and extensions, Pocket (formerly known as”Read It Later”) has the most simplistic UI. Pocket focuses more on pages that contain media such as images and videos, filtering them and allowing you to look at the saved pages depending on their content.

Merge reading lists from two accounts

Well for some reason you’ve managed to create two separate accounts for pocket resulting into two different ‘Reading Lists’. Now you may want to merge them together into a single list on a single account.
To do this follow the simplified approach given below:(Please Note that in the steps below the two different accounts are referred to as “Account 1” and “Account 2”).
Use the Account settings to Log Out of Account 1 and Login back into Account 2
To merge the reading lists In Firefox, Open your ‘reading list’ (list of saved pages)>Options>Account Tab> Logout>login into Account 1>Open Reading List>Right-click Sync Icon>Full Sync>Repeat the above steps but login to Account 2 instead. To do the same on Android and iOS, Launch Pocket App>Options(For Android, Options>Settings)>Log Out>Once you’ve logged out of ‘Account 1’, Login to ‘Account 2’.
When you’re done, the app should have a same but merged list and the contents of Account 1 into Account 2. Now you can abandon Account 1 and start using Account 2.
Including Instapaper reads into Pocket
If you’re the ones who signed up for Instapaper but later on when you stumbled onto Pocket thought that Pocket is better and more fun to use than Instapaper, and now you want to include your Instapaper reads into Pocket, then don’t worry for there is a simple way to do it.
If you’re already logged in to your Instapaper account then go here “ /QWrxzT ”. If not then login first>Account Page>Expand Export Option>Download HTML file>Save the generated HTML file on your computer>In orderto import your articles, go here “ ”>Browse the saved Instapaper HTML file>Use the Import Button once you’ve browsed for the file.
When you’re done with this, A new page will open and notify you about the No. of articles imported and Archived.
Saving Clipboard contents to Pocket
If and when a need arises for you to save the contents of your clipboard into Pocket or you need to copy a link from a text document and insert it into your Pocket’s reading list, you can do it very easily.If you copy a URL on your Mac, this URL can be saved to Pocket provided you have Pocket for Mac installed.Copy the complete URL (including http://)>Launch Pocket for Mac>File>Save from Clipboard OR Press Command S (s).
The Add button appears on a green bar in Pocket
Once done, you can see the saved item at the top of your reading list.For iPhone, iPad & Android users, a URL when copied on your device or Mac can be saved to Pocket if you Copy the complete URL (including http://)>Open Pocket app. You will see a green coloured bar appear on the screen, Touch the ‘Add’ button on the green bar and the copied URL will be added to the Reading List of your Pocket app.

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