Indian smartphone manufacturers have always been providing some promising devices in the market and ever since Motorola launched the Moto G, the Indian OEMs have been on their toes. Recently we saw Xolo launching the Q1100 which seems to give a cracker of a competition to all the smartphones in the mid-range category.
Here are the official specifications of the Q1100:
We are currently reviewing the device and ran a few benchmark tests to see how much raw performance the hardware can churn out. Check out some of the test results below:
As you can see, the Q1100 is quite a performer and gives a serious jab to the Moto G. It sells at almost the same price also. This makes one thing clear; the indigenous brands have geared up and will do anything to provide quality performing hardware at an affordable price.
Check out the our first impressions of the Xolo Q1100 over here.