ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results (Research in Motion)

Updated on 11-Apr-2012

Welcome to ThinkDigit’s Weekly Poll results! Last week we sought your opinion on Research in Motion’s future prospects in the consumer tablet/smartphone market, as the BlackBerry makers now intend to abandon certain consumer markets and refocus on the enterprise and public sector segments. Well, results are here.

As many 384 readers responded to the question – Do you think Research In Motion and the BlackBerry brand will survive in the consumer smartphone/tablet market?

A majority 229 respondents voted for No, which indicates users aren’t very optimistic for the BlackBerry makers. RIM, which faces stiff competition internationally with Apple’s iPhone and Android-based smartphones, is now aiming to tap developing markets such as India.

The company recently dropped prices of its various devices including its PlayBook tablet. RIM hopes the move will help boost sales up to 25 to 30 per cent in India. As many as 120 respondents have shown faith in RIM, while 35 respondents were indecisive on the issue.

What RIM should do to survive the competition? Read our five-point survival guide for RIM in 2012.

Check out the voter turn in the graph below:

We’d like to thank our readers for expressive their views and we hope to see as much enthusiasm from you in the future! Now moving on to this week’s poll – Bharti Airtel has launched 4G services in Kolkata to become the first telecom operator in the country to provide the fourth-generation telecommunication technology. However, we’re sceptical about success of 4G in the country, where 3G is still in its nascent ages. Our question is simple – Do you think India is ready for 4G? Navigate to the home page and make your opinion count.

Check our previous ThinkDigit Weekly Polls, and their results, here.

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