ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results (Apple iPad 3)

Updated on 29-Feb-2012

Welcome back to the ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results, where we let our readers know which way their fellows voted, on the hottest, most exciting new facets of personally technology.

Last week, we asked our readers, “Are you waiting for the iPad 3?” The latest tablet from the fruity giant, the Apple iPad 3 will surely set a new bar in the tablet space again, with previous iterations ruling the new, and rapidly growing market for tablets across the world.

There’s been a lot of speculation about what the latest version of the Apple iPad, or the iPad 3, will bear, from the inclusion of a Retina Display, a quad-core chipset, better camera, and perhaps, even an 8-inch model. While all this news certainly is interesting, what does it mean for the consumer?

Are consumers really excited about these new iPad 3 features, or does it all seem like overkill? Is the iPad slowly losing ground in public perception, with Android tablets, and budget tablets slowly capturing the market?

Once again, we’d like to thank our readers for their response and enthusiasm! 559 of our readers responded to the poll, “Are you waiting for the iPad 3?” The responses were very interesting, evenly spread between the options – making this an issue where a wide range of disparate views prevail in the market.

Of the 559 readers that responded, 183 of you, or 33 percent of the poll takers, responded “No, I prefer Android tablets!”

180 readers, or 32 percent of the respondents, chose “No, I prefer cheaper tablets like Aakash.”

182 readers, or 32.5 percent of poll takers, responded “Yes!”, while only 14 of you, or 2.5 percent of the readers, chose “No, I am happy with the older versions.”

Thank you once again readers, for your responses! Do also visit our poll page today, where we’ve asked you a new question “Which top-end smartphone unveiled at MWC do you most fancy?” Check out previous poll results here.


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