Micromax has launched an all new smartphone called the Dual 5 sporting a dual-rear camera setup. Priced at Rs. 24,999, the device will be available from April 10 and registrations for the phone start today via the company's own website. While the highlight of the phone is definitely the dual-rear cameras, the more intriguing aspect seems to be the price. At Rs. 25,000, it is the most expensive Micromax phone till date. The last time Micromax launched a phone this expensive, it was the Yu Yutopia, which unfortunately found itself between the powerful OnePlus 2 and the dependable Honor 7.
The dual camera setup on the Dual 5 has sports two 13MP cameras, which use Sony’s IMX 258 sensors, both featuring a f/1.8 aperture lens. The camera setup works much like the one we saw on the Honor 8, with one clicking the picture in colour and the other capturing the same image in monochrome. Software then combines these images to produce more detailed images. The dual camera setup also allows the phone to offer special modes like Bokeh, low light, monochrome and more.
The other big feature on the phone is security. While it has a fingerprint scanner at the back, Micromax says that it has employed a separate chip that provides independent storage for your fingerprint and password information. The phone uses EAL5+ security, which the company claims to make it as secure as a bank card.
There is also a smart feature called SafeSwitch on the device. So, if the SIM from the device is removed, the phone will prompt the person to enter a password within 30 seconds. If the user is unable to do so, the phone will lock itself including all buttons and it can't be turned off and allow itself to be tracked. If within 60 minutes the right password is not entered, the phone will wipe all data. Further, if someone tries to open your phone, the device will click a picture and send it to a preselected number.
All this sound really interesting and Micromax might just have a winner in its hands. However, performance and other aspects are also vital to a smartphone. Here is how the phone's specifications compare to OnePlus 3T, Huawei Honor 8 and Moto Z Play.
Micromax Dual 5 | OnePlus 3T | Honor 8 | Moto Z Play | |
SoC | Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 | Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 | HiSilicon Kirin 950 | Qualcomm Snapdragon 625 |
Display Size | 5.5-inch | 5.5-inch | 5.2-inch | 5.5-inch |
Display Resolution | 1920 x 1080p | 1920 x 1080p | 1920 x 1080p | 1920 x 1080p |
RAM | 4GB | 6GB | 4GB | 3GB |
Storage | 128GB | 64GB | 32GB | 32GB |
Rear Camera | 13MP + 13MP | 16MP | 12MP + 12MP | 16MP |
Front Camera | 13MP | 16MP | 8MP | 5MP |
Battery | 3200mAh | 3400mAh | 3000mAh | 3510mAh |
OS | Android 6.0 | Android 7.0 | Android 6.0 | Android 7.0 |
Price | Rs. 24,999 | Rs. 29,999 | Rs. 25,000 (approx) | Rs. 24,999 |
Interestingly, the phone looks very similar to the Qiku 360 Q5. Now, we can’t confirm if the Dual 5 is just a rebranded version of the Q5, but going over the specifications, features and even the looks, it certainly seems that way. The Qiku device is available via AliExpress for around the same price with shipping included. Wait for our review to know how the Micromax Dual 5 fares against the competition.