Lenovo has foldable, flexible phones planned for the future

Updated on 12-Jun-2016

Flexible motherboards, flexible displays and even the batteries are flexible.

The Lenovo PHAB 2 Pro wasn't the only innovative product we saw at the Tech World Conferecnce this year. The company announced the Moto Z with moto mods, which was also very exciting and will be available this year. But perhaps most interesting is what Lenovo has planned for the future. The company showcased prototypes of its flexible tablets and phones. While the flexible tablet can be bent in half, the flexible phone can be wrapped around a wrist, just like a bracelet. Functionality is limited right now, and Lenovo only showcased the products, as part of its future product roadmap.

The two products were showcased by Meghan McCarthy, a Screenwriter and Producer of many animated television shows. Take a look at what Lenovo has planned for the future.

This is the Lenovo Folio flexible tablet. Being prototypes, not much is know about it, except that it can be folded in half. When folded, you get two displays, one on each side of the device.

When folded, the tablet assumes a phablet-like form factor, which can then be used in one hand like phone. Of course, it'll still not be as ergonomic as a phone.

This is the Lenovo Cplus flexible phone, showcased at Tech World 2016. It is made out of plastic and has a narrow display. The phone is flexible and wraps around your wrist.

Lenovo CTO, Peter Hortensius told us that in order to do so, the company not only used a flexible display, but a flexible motherboard and battery as well.

A closer look at the frame of the device suggests that it is made up of many flexible parts that bend and change shape according to the wearer’s wrist.

As we mentioned earlier, these products are just prototypes and their production costs are currently higher than a regular devices. Hortensius said, "These things need to be super flexible and super strong. They are not there yet." This is perhaps why Lenovo kept most of them locked up in glass cases.

Flexible displays have been in the works for a while now. Samsung was amongst the first to work with them, and it has so far resulsted in its Galaxy S Edge line. Chinese startup Moxi had devised something similar just last month. The company is working with Graphene, same as Samsung, to produce the flexible devices. There are also reports that Samsung may announce two flexible smart devices next year.

Hardik Singh

Light at the top, this odd looking creature lives under the heavy medication of video games.

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