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Apple is scared of competition from Samsung, poll reveals

Apple is scared of competition from Samsung, poll reveals

It’s that time of week again, when we reveal the previous ThinkDigit Poll Results, sharing with you just what your fellow readers think about the issue at hand. Last week, in the aftermath of the district court verdict passed for the Apple versus Samsung patent case, we asked you “Do you agree with Apple’s claim that Samsung is copying them?”

The Apple versus Samsung patent litigation has been a long drawn out affair that has spanned continents, with a few major verdicts being passed in several countries so far, including Australia and Germany, banning the sale of certain products in that region.

The U.S district court verdict made big headlines however, which if left uncontested, would signal Samsung’s withdrawal of a variety of the contentious devices from what is considered the biggest market in the world, the U.S. For now, Samsung can still appeal the decision to higher courts.

The aftermath of the verdict upset a significant number of both Apple and Samsung supporters, with many of the former unhappy with Apple’s childish ‘we did it first behaviour’, and most of the latter aghast with the allegation of copying by itself. Issues get more muddied, when one considers Samsung supplies a large number of components to Apple, and Steve Jobs having once famously said: “We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”

Of course, opinions on this issue are diverse, from equivocations to outrage. We felt however, that views on this subject can ideally be split along two lines, without bringing in the sanctity and integrity of the patent system itself into the issue. Either you felt that Samsung had copied Apple, or, Apple was suing Samsung for the wrong reasons. Yes, there are more shades to these black and white opinions, but we wanted a clear answer.

We had 1382 responses to the poll, and the results are completely in favour of Samsung, with a staggering 64%, or 880 respondents saying “No, Apple is just scared of competition from Samsung.” The other 36%, or 502 respondents, chose the option “Yes, Samsung needs to innovate more.”

Check out the results in graphical form below. You can also check the results of other ThinkDigit Weekly Polls, here. Don’t forget to share your opinions with us on this week’s poll, where we ask you “Cameras in smartphones, how important are they?”

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