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Try these real-time flight tracking services to track flights globally.

Try these real-time flight tracking services to track flights globally.

Here's a list of online flight tracking services that can track airplanes in real-time, using GPS navigation data transmitted from the airplane. Check them out!

After the mysterious Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 disappeared more than a week ago, there has been an increase in focus on real time flight tracking. The online real-time flight tracking services help you keep track of delayed flights, their routes and even tell you the altitude that flights are flying at.

We bring to you a list of some popular and convenient services that help track Indian and international flights:

FlightRadar is a simple flight tracking service which shows detailed air traffic. It features Indian airports and flights as well. The interface is very simple: there’s a search box on the left hand side along with features such as Playback, Settings and Filter.
Settings button helps you customize the view with options to switch (on/off) ground traffic, craft animation and more. Filter helps you refine service. The airport filter lets you show inbound, outbound, or both inbound/outbound flights for a specific airport.

Flightradar24.com is available on iPhone, Android, Windows Phone, Windows store, Mac App Store and Amazon appstore as well.

Flight Aware
Flight Aware is another simple to use flight tracking service. To track a flight, all you need to do is enter an airline name and flight number. There’s an option to search for flights between two destinations.

Apart from flight tracking, the website offers other stuff such as aviation photos, weather update, discussions and commercial services. To know more about the service, head over to Flight Aware from here.

The app enables users to check for the arrival and departure status of a flight. The app updates itself every five minutes.  The app is available on both iPhone and Android stores for about $4.

FlightView is again a very easy to use website which allows users to search flights by airline and route. There’s also an integrated map that helps locate flight and airports. Other features of the service include arrival and departure details and weather updates.
FlightView Free Flight Tracker
The app allows users to locate flights and also alerts users through push notifications about specific flights. The Tracker allows users to track flights on a map that shows the path as well as current weather.

The app also gives information on terminal, gate and baggage claim. Users have an option to integrate calendar and check weather conditions of up to next seven days.

The app is available on both iPhone and Android devices for free.

Kul Bhushan