ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results (Windows 8 Tablets)

ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results (Windows 8 Tablets)

Welcome back to ThinkDigit Poll Results! Last week, we had sought your opinion on Windows 8 tablets posing a threat to the supremacy of Apple’s iPad tablets in the global market. We had asked you – “Will the Apple iPad face serious competition from Windows 8 tablets?” Well, results are with us. Over 400 of our readers participated in the poll, and we’d like to thank them for their overwhelming response.

As many as 245 of our readers (54 percent) voted in favour of option “Yes” – indicating that a lot of people believe Windows 8 will give a tough competition to Apple’s iPad. Surprisingly, 166 votes ( 36 percent) were cast in favour of option “No” – which shows there are quite a few people who believe Apple will survive the competition. Only 46 votes, 10 percent, of our respondents chose “Will wait and see”.

Microsoft has recently announced it will be releasing another preview edition of Windows 8 in June, called Windows 8 Release Preview, which is touted be closest yet to the final version. Read our detailed coverage on Windows 8 here.

Heading on to this week’s poll – we’ve asked you – “What do you think about Windows Phone-based Nokia phones (Lumia series) so far? Check out previous ThinkDigit Weekly Poll results here.

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