ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results (Windows 8 Consumer Preview)

ThinkDigit Weekly Poll Results (Windows 8 Consumer Preview)

Welcome to ThinkDigit’s Weekly Poll Results! Last week we asked you – what do you think about Windows 8 Consumer Preview! Well, the results are here!

We’ve received a total of 375 responses from our readers, with the majority expressing great interest in the Windows 8 Consumer Preview. As many as 130 votes (35 per cent) votes were cast in favour of “It’s great, I am excited!”.

However, a lot of people have still to lay hands on the software, as 112 votes (30 per cent) chose “Don’t know, haven’t tried it yet.”

As many as 99 votes (26 per cent) went to “Still unfinished, let us see where they go with it!” As is evident from the poll, overall, there doesn’t seem to be much negative hype around Windows 8, as only 34 votes (9 per cent) went to “It’s horrible! What were they thinking?”

We appreciate the time our readers have taken out to give their valuable feedback, and hope to see the same enthusiasm in the future!

Also check out the latest ThinkDigit Weekly Poll on the homepage, and let us know what you think! We’ve asked you: Do you really need quad-core mobile phones? In the meantime, check out all our previous poll results here.

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