The most interesting aliens from science fiction

Updated on 30-Mar-2022

There have been many cool and interesting aliens in science fiction and we've curated some of the most awesome ones

These include the Reapers, Mogo, the Engineers and more

What are your favourite aliens from pop culture?

So, this little feature originally started out with it being called “The most OP aliens from science fiction” but as any science fiction enthusiast (aka nerd) would tell you, the sheer number of retcons and timelines make it near impossible to find the strongest. To that end, we decided to take the easier way out and tell you a bit about the most interesting aliens from pop culture. We have decided to pick one alien from major franchises and the criteria for making it on the list is uniqueness. 

1. Reapers (Mass Effect franchise)

The main baddie from the Mass Effect franchise, the one that threatened the continued existence of all space fairing species of the galaxy right from the first game and then participated in an all-out assault against the citizens in game three. The Reapers are akin to a force of nature, appearing every 50,000 years to rid the galaxy of all the species that have started using the Mass Relays for interstellar travel. Their main goal though is not mass genocide, as much as it seems like it is. Although their methods are twisted, the Reaper programming simply wants to preserve organic life but since it is artificial intelligence itself, its preservation code concluded that all species would eventually develop AI that would overthrow and exterminate its masters and go on to rid the universe of all organic life as well. Thus began a never-ending cycle of them appearing every 50,000 years to rid the galaxy of sufficiently advanced species before they were able to create a genocidal AI (ironically, kinda like the Reapers themselves).

2. Mogo (DC)

There is no denying that there are a bunch of aliens that have spawned out of the imaginations of science fiction writers from across the world. Strange abilities, body shapes, varying degrees of technology, and intentions. Most of them though have one thing in common. They originate from either a planet or a planetary object. But, here we have an alien that is a planet itself. Oh yeah, you read that right. A living, breathing (well, maybe not breathing), sentient planet. Not to be confused with a planet that hosts life, which Mogo does as well. And, if a sentient planet weren’t unique enough for you, Mogo is also a member of the Green Lantern Corps. Being a planet and having the energy of the same, Mogo is one of the most powerful Green Lanterns with immense scope and intelligence. It is also responsible for the induction of new Green Lantern members as it can detect beings with strong willpower and can direct the rings of the perished Green Lanterns to said beings.

3. Engineers (Alien franchise)

These aliens make it on the list here as within the franchise, they are responsible for the existence of humanity. The Engineers are an ancient race of super-advanced beings who have been around for at least hundreds of millions of years if not billions. They possess superior technology as you would expect and go around seeding planets with their DNA to speed up the evolutionary process which results in races being created in their image. It is said that they have visited the Earth plenty of times which we know thanks to ancient cave paintings of large beings pointing up at a set of stars in the night sky. At some point, they also planned to exterminate humanity for reasons unknown but on the way to Earth, the pathogen they were to use to kill off humanity accidentally got loose on their ship, killing most of the genocidal crew instead. That’s all that we know about the Engineers apart from their appearance which is pale with black eyes and a 9-12-foot stature.

4. Abeloth (Star Wars)

As a giant of a franchise that is set a long time ago in a galaxy far far away and with nearly innumerable aliens over its vast lore, it was difficult to find an alien that would be unique enough. Out of all though there are a few that stand out. But first things first, one of the major themes in the Star Wars franchise is the all-powerful and all-encompassing force. That brings us neatly to the Ones, who are literally embodiments of the force. One represents the Dark side, one represents the Balance and one represents the Light. So we could say that the Ones are probably the most powerful beings in the galaxy. Right? Well, no! Abeloth is an entity that literally puts the fear of God in the Ones and it took all three of the Ones and the power of the Killik hives to just imprison her. Yeah, Abeloth, out forced the force! Even after being imprisoned, Abeloth manages to escape from time to time and it requires the Dark and Light side of the Ones to lock her up again! 

5. Weeping Angels (Doctor Who)

Another mega-franchise with a ton of interesting aliens to choose from. We have cultural icons like the Cybermen, Daleks, The Silence and Timelords to boot. But as terrifying and unique as they are, there is one alien that surpasses them all in terms of its concept, powers and fear factor. And that is the race of Weeping Angles. Benigne and harmless as they may seem at first sight (as they appear to be innocent looking angel statues) it is when they are not being looked at that their true nature is revealed. These unique critters are said to be Quantum locked. Which, according to Doctor Who is that they simply don’t exist as life forms when they are being observed. But when they are not being looked at, they are free to move. And move fast they will! Oh, and they won’t simply kill you when they do catch you. No no no, that would be too easy. One of their abilities includes touching their victims to displace them in time to a point before the victim's birth which in turn lets them feed off the “potential energy” that is created due to the time paradox that is created.

6. Zeno (Dragon Ball franchise)

This little entity is currently the supreme ruler of the Dragon Ball multiverse. We say “currently” because Dragon Ball does have a tendency to introduce new characters who simply dwarf the others in power. Currently, though, Zeno is all-powerful and can simply erase whole universes with a wave. We don’t know much about the character yet but what we do know is that he has a child-like appearance and behaviour and is said to have erased six of the original 18 universes (and one divergent timeline) even before the Universal Survival Arc of Dragon Ball Super. We have no idea if Zeno is any good in hand to hand combat, you know, the kind we are used to when it comes to Dragon Ball, but we doubt the raw power to simply erase someone, no matter how powerful, needs much in the fighting department. Zeno is also quite indifferent to the lives of people in the universes he created which makes him terrifying to even the gods of all universes.

7. Q (Star Trek franchise)

A franchise with no shortage of interesting aliens, Star Trek as a whole has some of the most iconic aliens. From the evergreen and green-blooded Spock to the oh so close to home money-grubbing Ferengi, Star Trek has a fascinating way to showcase stories set in the future with aliens which are just as relevant and relatable in today’s day and age. Oh and Star Trek has also got some of the most interesting aliens like the Borg and the Silicon-based life forms but by far the most interesting has to be Q. Showing up in the first episode of The Next Generation, Q shows up with a near-infinite and god-like power. The rules of the universe, the laws of physics and reality itself are all mere playthings for Q. In later episodes, he even displays the ability to travel to any point in time. Q is also immortal and omnipotent with nothing in the universe capable of killing him except other Q weapons which are later explored in episodes revolving around the war between Q’s. 


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