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The Adobe Creative Suite 5 has been unveiled!

The Adobe Creative Suite 5 has been unveiled!


We have been tinkering around with the latest version of Adobe’s Creative Suite for a while now and have been bursting to share some of the awesome new feature with you, and now we officially can.

Yes, Adobe’s long awaited Creative Suite 5 has been unveiled!

CS5 Design Premiun CS5 Web Premium cs5 CS5 Master Collection

We now have our first look at Adobe’s next generation of design and development tools, and if you are like us, you will surely be impressed. Earlier we shared with you some of facts that we knew about Adobe CS5 at that time, and we can provide a more in-depth preview.

It is hard to not mention the recent developments in the Apple universe, where the iPhone development SDK for iPhone OS 4.0 has been altered in such a way that creating application for the iPhone using any languages and tools other than those prescribed by Apple are forbidden. This effectively pushes Adobe’s much touted Flash to iPhone packager feature out of the game. However Adobe would like to remind us, and quite rightly so, that the Flash to iPhone packager is only one of the feature of many present in one of the applications of many in CS5.

The lack of Flash applications on iPhone notwithstanding, CS5 still actively targets mobile phones and includes a much empowered Device Central CS5 for this job.
Besides supporting multi-screen authoring with Flash 10.1 and AIR2, CS5 also features CS Live, a new Adobe service which integrates social networking into all CS5 products making it easier to collaborate with others while creating content. Adobe’s acquisition of Omniture is also being put to good use, in the form of a cloud-based service for “optimizing content and apps to drive greater revenue.”

As a whole, CS5 is now better integrated thanks to common formats such as FXG. One can now use Illustrator CS5, Fireworks CS5, or Photoshop CS5 to create a graphic asset which can then be imported into Flash Professional, or an application UI which could be imported into Flash Catalyst to create a Flex-based Flash Builder project. Flash Builder and Flash Professional CS5 too have integration now as Flash Professional CS5 can use Flash Builder as the default code IDE, and Flash Builder can create Flash Professional Projects.

Another advantage of FXG is, that being an open format based on XML, 3rd parties can more easily export to the format and gain compatibility with Adobe CS products.

Let us now take a look at some of the latest products from Adobe CS5:

… more reviews coming soon

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Kshitij Sobti