Smart gadgets to make your home a smart home

Smart gadgets to make your home a smart home

These small gadgets are the first steps towards a connected home.

You can control almost anything from your phone.

These gadgets make your life smarter and easier.

Everyone has heard the term home automation, and it was the thing that only people with deep pockets could afford. With the technological advancement in IoT, these smart devices are available at affordable rates to all making it easy for you to jump into a smart home experience.

Wondering where to start? You could start with just a small smart plug or a smart bulb and then slowly move on to more complex smart devices such as speakers or smart TV for more connected living. With these smart devices, you can enjoy connected living with either Google or Alexa assistant and know who is at the door or control the temperature of your home or control the lights of your home and set a party mood.

Here is a rundown of some smart gadgets that you should look out for.

Smart Plugs

Smart Plugs

Don’t remember if you switched off the iron or your charger? You can switch it off remotely using your smartphone if you are outside the house. If you have connected it to a smart speaker and the speaker is with you, then you can close the switch using your voice. There are ample Alexa and Google Assistant-enabled smart plugs that are available for cheap and get your work done easily. These devices even offer timer-based support that helps while keeping your phone for charging overnight. 

You can have a look at some products listed below:

Zebronics Smart Plug

TP-Link Smart Plug

Smart Camera

Smart Camera

These days security has become a big concern and smart cameras are quite reliable and offer plenty of features for just a small price. These cameras can alert you of any movements using AI technology and offer 2-way communication right from your phone. They also have the ability to stream recorded clips and allow you to track any movement in the given region.

Check out some smart cameras listed below:

Mi 360-degree Camera

Imou Wi-Fi Camera

Smart Lights

Smart Lights

Isn’t it annoying when you have tucked into bed and realized that you have to switch off the light? This is when smart bulbs/lights come in handy. With a simple voice command, or using a smartphone app, you can command the lights and even set a schedule to turn them on or off. Many smart lights offer different colour shades and sync with your tunes or even with your mood. You can also pair up multiple lights and create a synchronized light effect at your home.

Few light bulbs that are smart assistant enabled are listed below:

Syska Smart Bulb

Wipro Wi-Fi Bulb

Smart Speakers

Smart Speakers

Smart speakers have been in the market for quite a while now, these speakers not only allow you to control the other smart devices but also give you news updates, play music from your favourite music service, and set alarms to wake you up in the morning. Being one of the early entrants in the smart home segment they have evolved the most and offer 2-way communication in-person.

Some smart speakers are linked below:

Google Nest Mini

Echo Dot

Smart TVs

Smart Tvs

The idiot box in your living room can do more than just play movies and TV shows. Yes, today's smart TVs have an app store, come with a built-in voice Assistant and some even let you control smart home devices. Some TVs from Sony, LG, and TCL also let you control the TV without the remote control, by simply using your voice. If you think a smart TV is an expensive proposition, then you can consider a device like the Fire TV Stick to dip your toes in a smart TV ecosystem. 

Here are the links to some smart TVs:

Mi Smart TV

OnePlus Smart TV

Smart DoorBells

Smart Doorbell

Have you ever stepped out of the house and missed the delivery person or an unexpected guest? With these smart doorbells, you get a notification when someone rings a bell as well as a live feed of the person standing at your door. You can even communicate with them right from your smartphone or even alert the authorities if some malpractice is happening at the moment with a dedicated SOS button.

Smart DoorBells are linked below:

MOGOI Smart DoorBell

Smart AC

Smart Acs

Smart ACs let you control and set the temperature from a dedicated mobile app or set a schedule without using the AC’s remote. The AC also notifies you if it has any issue and provides you with an option of smart diagnosis for an easy and faster solution. Some ACs are also Alexa enabled letting you control them from the comfort of a smart speaker. 

Here is one Alexa enabled AC.


Daksh Khorana

Daksh Khorana

A Tech wanderer, with a craving for newest tech in the Alpha Stage. View Full Profile