Need a GoT refresher? Talk to this Game of Thrones chatbot on Facebook Messenger

Updated on 06-Jun-2020

The GoT Bot was created by fans of the series and answers questions related to any character on the show. It’s a great way of catching up on who died/or not in the last season. As the Bot puts it, “It’s for those of you who realise that, in fact, you know nothing.”

As Game of Thrones Season 7 premiere approaches, GoT fandom is at its peak. A bunch of Game of Thrones enthusiasts got together and created a chatbot on Facebook Messenger that will catch you up on all the characters, titles and heirs from the show.

“Who is the bald guy from Game of Thrones? Is Thoros of Myr dead? Will Daenerys and Jon Snow get together? Did I spell Daenerys right? Everybody’s thinking it, so don’t be afraid to ask the obvious questions,” reads the GoT Bot’s description.

Watch: All the 150,966 deaths across the Game of Thrones series in this bumper supercut

The bot is available on Facebook Messenger and we chatted with it just to get a sense of its capabilities. Apart from throwing facts at us about our several character queries, the bot also has a humorous side to it. Here’s what it threw up when we asked “Will Daenerys and Jon Snow get together?”

The bot can throw up some clever GoT themed GIFs as well. If you want to know a GoT character at a deeper level, the bot also gives you multiple suggestions to do so; including, photos, dead or alive, mommy, daddy, siblings, nicknames, age, lovers, house, and more.

So if you are one who knows nothing, like Jon Snow, head to the GoT chatbot on Facebook Messenger to get your all your GoT questions answered. Game of Thrones Season 7 premieres on July 16 and will air on Hotstar and Star World in India.

Also Read: New Game of Thrones Season 7 #WinterIsHere trailer is all about battle, fire and dragons

Adamya Sharma

Managing editor, - News Junkie, Movie Buff, Tech Whizz!

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