Memeology: The best of the ‘What I Really Do’ jokes on Facebook

Updated on 17-Feb-2012

The memes roll in and the memes roll out. This week’s Facebook meme is a variation of the perception-versus-reality gag, with people in different careers making simple collages that present pictorial examples of what various people “think” they do—their parents, their friends, society at large—before delivering the punch line of what it is they “really” do.

So far, most of the ones we’ve come across concern artsy professions like photographer, director, writer, etc. —basically, folks with access to simple photo-editing tools and lots of time on their hands. Amazingly, no one has thought to make the payoff image for any of those callings a picture of a barista (this would also work for musicians, actors, poets, and philosophers).

It also pains us to note that “journalist” has not one but two entries so far, both of which hit a little too close to home (see accompanying slide show). Maybe making “What-I-Really-Do” lists is, in fact, what we really do here in the Fourth Estate.

But if this meme has started out with a narrow focus, here’s hoping it’s got the legs to start deconstructing some other professions. What do CEOs really do as opposed to what we think they do? How about politicians, software developers, sales people, and athletes? Could you even conduct this exercise with reality TV stars given that most of us already perceive them as a big joke?

Take a look at the sampling of “What-I-Really-Do’s” in below, and if you’ve got one of your own, let us know in comments!

The Fourth Estate
Journalists drinking away the pain? Never happens!

The Fifth Estate?

Yeesh, another one about journalists? Maybe the last panel should show the guy making a “What-I-Do” collage.

Makin’ Movies

Apparently, working with the previous “What-I-Do” subjects is a real headache.

The Thin Blue Line

Mmm, donuts and moustaches!


Visit the next page to see more ‘What I Really Do’ jokes…


Copyright © 2010 Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc.

Source: Memeology: The Best of the ‘What I Really Do’ Jokes on Facebook

The IT Guy

No comment. We want our email to keep working after this publishes.

The Talent

The first of several “What-I-Do’s” that ends up with somebody waiting for the phone to ring.

VC, Call Home!

Again with the desperate waiting for the phone to ring!

The Mighty Pen

Sorry to break it to you, but society doesn’t really think you’re Shakespeare.


C’mon, doesn’t Adobe take enough heat already?

Visit the next page to see more ‘What I Really Do’ jokes…


Copyright © 2010 Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc.

Source: Memeology: The Best of the ‘What I Really Do’ Jokes on Facebook

Shutterbugz, Pt. 2

We call B.S.! What your mom thinks you do IS what you really do.

The 9.9 Percent
Oh well, at least we got the Halftime in America show this year.


Copyright © 2010 Ziff Davis Publishing Holdings Inc.

Source: Memeology: The Best of the ‘What I Really Do’ Jokes on Facebook

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