Majority of Indian users looking forward to try Windows 8 and Metro UI

Majority of Indian users looking forward to try Windows 8 and Metro UI

Windows 8, the new operating system due out in October for more than a billion machines, would mark a paradigm shift in computing, finally bringing touch, and built-in cloud connectivity to the desktop, and a full-fledged operating system to tablets (then easily ported to phones, with Windows Phone 8).

We asked you, our readers last week, about your expectations from Microsoft’s latest iterative update to its globe spanning operating system – if you looked forward to updating to Windows 8. 765 people responded, across our newsletter, Facebook, and websites polls, showing that many were keen to express their views on the upcoming important event.

While the results cannot be actually be called an urgent call for Windows 8, the level of interest in it was certainly appreciable. The majority (35% – 265 votes) of our poll respondents chose the option “Yes, I can’t wait to try out the Metro UI!”, while 30% (232 respondents) decided they’d rather wait for the reviews before investing in the upgrade.

Also thinking about the paid Windows 8 upgrade, and the upgradation of older IT system ecosystems, were 221 of our respondents (29%), who chose: “No, I’d rather stick to Windows 7 for a while.”

The remaining minority (6%, or 47 respondents), were Apple Mac OS X users, who were not considering a change in platforms. You can check out the poll results graphically, below. Do also share your views in the latest ThinkDigit Poll, where we ask you “Are you looking forward to the $200 Jelly Bean-based Google Nexus 7 tablet from Asus?”

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