Who exactly are the immortals in Netflix’s The Old Guard? Let’s find out

Updated on 20-Jul-2020

In this feature, we take a deeper look at who exactly the immortals in Netflix's The Old Guard are

The latest action movie stars Charlize Theron, Matthias Schoenaerts and more

The film is currently streaming on Netflix

The Old Guard is truly one of Netflix’s better films that not only delivers on the action but gives viewers a more sombre and solemn take on immortality and the drudgery and apathy that comes with it. The film has apparently been one of the streaming company’s most successful releases and for good reason. The Old Guard (review) focuses on Andy and her band of immortal mercenaries as they battle a new and more modern enemy who is determined to harvest their powers for profit. It’s a straight forward film, in terms of plot, but does more than make up for it with some great characters. But who are Andy and her band of immortal mercenaries anyway? Well, today we’ll take a deeper look at who these immortal soldiers really are. 

Andy/ Andromache of Scythia

Played by Charlize Theron, Andromache of Scythia or Andy, for short, is basically the default leader of the bunch not because she’s a better soldier, but that she’s the oldest among the lot. Her story begins 6000 years ago in Siberia. Basically she was a Scythian woman who was killed in a raid and woke up to a whole new existence. There were two other immortals who came after her and before our current merry bunch, but you’ll have to watch the film to find out more. In the comic book, Andy is 6732 years old, making her almost prehistoric. 

Booker/ Sebastien Le Livre

Masterfully acted by Matthias Schoenaerts, Booker is a master forger who has been convicted for fraud by the French government. His real name is Sebastien Le Livre and he was basically told that he could hang or fight for the Emperperor, Napoleon of Bonaparte. Finding that neither choice was favourable, he attempted to desert the army and was hung for it in 1812. He’s a smart, cunning man who understands modern technology and thus is of great help to the team. Up until the appearance of Nile, Booker was the youngest member of the team. 

Nicky and Joe/ Nicolo of Genoa and Yusuf Al-Kaysani

What can be said about the two lovers in Nicky and Joe. They are some of the coolest and most badass characters in the film. The two met as opposites during the Crusades in 1099. They met each other on the battlefield and found that they were not enemies and were more like soul-mates who found each other. They then paired up and also rescued Andy from a fate far worse than death. The two are extremely loyal to the group and both have very distinct personalities and it shows in the group dynamics. 


The newest kid on the block, Nile is essentially the baby of the group. As a marine, she has her throat slit during a mission and then comes back to life wondering what the heck just happened. It is then that she meets Andy and that’s when her new life begins. 

Check out The Old Guard on Netflix, right now. It’s a great action film that is not only exciting but also makes you think about who and why these characters are doing what they’re doing. Also, check out this awesome animated video that chronicles the history of The Old Guard as they stomp their way through the many wars in human history. 

Also, if you're a sci-fi geek, you'll want to check out this list of the best sci-fi films on Netflix. And, while you're at it, why don't you check out this awesome list of fantasy shows on Netflix as well. 

Andrew Lu

A geek and nerd at heart, I love comic books, horror movies and professional fighting. Yes, I know how insane that sounds.

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