How to use Microsoft’s ‘Continue on PC’ feature with Android and iOS?

Here is a simple step-by-step guide to using Microsoft’s ‘Continue on PC’ feature on both Android and iOS devices.
Last year when Microsoft announced the Windows Creators update, it brought a bunch of new features and functionalities to the operating system, including a feature called ‘Continue on PC’. This is a feature similar to the ‘Continuity’ feature on Apple’s Mac OS, however, the Windows variant is a bit limited. The Windows ‘Continue on PC’ feature just makes browsing the phone and your PC more seamless. So, if you are a power user of the internet and want to make a better use of your devices, here is how to setup 'Continue on PC’ for your Android or iOS devices.
The initial setup has to be done on the PC and here is how you do it.
- Press Start button
- Press the gear (settings) icon
- Click the phone icon
- Click add a phone.
- Select your country code and enter your phone number.
- Click Send.
After this, a text message should arrive on your smartphone. Open the text message, tap the link and install the ‘Microsoft Apps’ on your respective phones. This is the key element (app) which is required to make the ‘Continue on PC’ feature work across devices.
Note: On Android, the link in the text message will ask you to download Microsoft launcher and on iOS, you will be asked to download the Edge browser.
On Android, you will have to follow these steps:
- Launch the web browser on your phone. Google Chrome is available for Android phones.
- Open any web page to your liking. For example, ‘’.
- Tap the three vertical dots (more button) on the top right.
- Tap on the share button.
- Select continue on PC.
- Select continue now or continue later. If you press continue later the reminder will appear in your PC’s action centre.
- Anyway, you will get a prompt to sign into your Microsoft account.
- Type in your credentials and sign in.
Now, your setup is done and you should see the same web page you were seeing on the phone, on your PC browser.
For iOS devices, the step is a bit different.
- Launch the web browser on your phone. For most iOS users, that is Safari.
- Go to the web page you want to continue seeing (reading) on your PC.
- Tap share button, and select more.
- In the activities menu, turn on ‘Continue on PC’ and select done.
- Tap ‘Continue on PC’.
- Select continue now or continue later. If you press continue later the reminder will appear in your PC’s action centre.
- Anyway, you will get a prompt to sign into your Microsoft account.
- Type in your credentials and sign in.
That’s it. Now, you can use Windows’ ‘continue on PC’ feature either Android or iOS.
Hardik Singh
Light at the top, this odd looking creature lives under the heavy medication of video games. View Full Profile