Google voted favourite tech brand, ahead of Apple and Microsoft

Updated on 17-Oct-2012

The ThinkDigit Weekly Poll recently asked readers to pick their favourite of the three biggest personal technology companies in the world – Apple, Google and Microsoft.

Over 2,522 readers ThinkDigit readers, subscribers and fans have responded, and the results are in – of the three, Google is the people’s choice, with more votes than the other two combined, and more than twice the votes Apple and Microsoft each garnered.

There are a lot of tech brands out there, and we decided to limit our choices to the three largest companies that were popular with end users. There are a lot of factors that make one company appeal more than the other, and of course, the result does not necessarily imply the voters felt one company makes better products  – but it does mean it is perceived as the better company by end users in the Indian market.

Google’s logo informal corporate motto “Don’t be evil,” might just have a hand in this, we feel – after all, the market still remains polarized between Apple and Microsoft – with Google occupying the happy medium. The search giant’s  roots (and large portion of its products) are also free services, further distancing it from the money-hungry image some readers have of Apple and Microsoft.

Of the 2,522 votes – Google got 1,334, or 53%. Apple got 638 votes, or 25% of the votes, while Microsoft received 550 votes, or 22%. You can check out the results in graphical form below, and see our previous ThinkDigit weekly poll results – here. Do also share your views on this week’s ThinkDigit Weekly Poll – where we ask you, what you “What is the ideal price for the Microsoft Surface for Windows RT tablet in India?”

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