Elon Musk should focus more on SpaceX for his true legacy: Here’s why

Elon Musk should focus more on SpaceX for his true legacy: Here’s why

In case you don’t know yet, beyond just landing rocket boosters on ships floating at high seas, SpaceX has achieved yet another monumental feat in aerospace engineering by successfully catching the Super Heavy booster mid-air using the “Mechazilla” system. Imagine that – a colossal rocket booster descending from the heavens, only to be snatched gracefully by mechanical arms dubbed “chopsticks.” It’s the kind of science fiction that even Hollywood would struggle to visualise convincingly. Yet, here we are, witnessing it happen in reality no less.

Before you categorise this achievement as just another tick on SpaceX’s growing list of accomplishments, which it most certainly is not, know that it’s a significant leap toward making life multiplanetary like never before. It got me thinking about Elon Musk and what his enduring legacy should be. Amidst all his ventures – Tesla, Neuralink, X.com, etc – it’s becoming increasingly clear that SpaceX stands out as the crown jewel. It’s the endeavour that has the potential not just to change our world, but to expand the very definition of “world” itself.

Unleashing the magic of SpaceX

Let’s take a moment to appreciate what SpaceX has accomplished. Reusable rockets were once a pipe dream, something relegated to the realms of speculative engineering and hopeful futurism. Elon Musk and his team of space engineering mavericks turned that dream into a reality. The successful deployment and retrieval of the Falcon 9 boosters revolutionised space travel economics, making it more sustainable and accessible.

Now, with the Starship and its Super Heavy booster, SpaceX is pushing the boundaries of what’s possible even further. The recent success with the Mechazilla system isn’t just a technical marvel but a strategic move toward rapid reusability of space rockets. By catching the booster instead of allowing it to land conventionally, SpaceX minimises turnaround time and maximises payload capacity. This is critical for ambitious missions like deploying vast satellite networks, returning humans to the Moon, and eventually establishing a colony on Mars – which is a well-documented goal of Elon Musk.

Elon Musk has often spoken about the importance of making humanity a multiplanetary species. It’s a vision that transcends commercial interests or quarterly earnings reports. It’s about the long-term survival and evolution of our species, as Musk has mentioned in several of his interviews. Before you call Musk’s ambition crazy and hopeless, just think for a second: In a world grappling with climate change, overpopulation, and dwindling resources, the idea of expanding our habitat isn’t just enticing – it’s becoming essential, wouldn’t you agree?

Staring and dreaming beyond the horizon

SpaceX embodies this vision more than any of Musk’s other ventures. Tesla has undoubtedly accelerated the adoption of electric vehicles, whether or not it actually helped reduce carbon emissions effectively is open to debate. Neuralink and The Boring Company are intriguing in their own right, even as the Elon Musk we see online on X.com is forgettable for the most part – he comes across as a blatant troll and clickbaiter hiding behind the shield of a free speech evangelist. None of these projects – are these side hustles for Musk? – hold the transformative potential that SpaceX does, in my opinion. Contrast that with just the prospect of humans living on another planet has the capacity to shift our perspective in profound ways, affecting everything from geopolitics to philosophy, if you think about it.

Also read: The Musk Effect: From Twitter to X and beyond

However, despite these monumental achievements by SpaceX, the public discourse around Elon Musk often centres on his social media antics or controversial statements. It’s a distraction, a kind of background noise that drowns out the signal of his most significant contributions. Musk’s online presence has been both a blessing and a curse. While it allows him to communicate directly with millions, it also opens the door to misunderstandings and controversies that can overshadow his work. By constantly engaging in divisive debates or making off-the-cuff remarks, Elon Musk increasingly risks diluting the impact of his genuinely groundbreaking work at SpaceX.

Just like Steve Jobs devoted his life towards relentless pursuit of simplicity and elegance in technology for everything he achieved at Apple, for Elon Musk that defining focus should be SpaceX and the quest to make life multiplanetary with human colonies in space within his lifetime.

By dedicating more time and energy to SpaceX, Musk can ensure that this venture not only succeeds but also captures the global public imagination in the way it deserves. Imagine what could be achieved if the full force of his intellect, resources, and influence were channelled primarily into advancing space exploration. I can only imagine the technological hurdles this could help overcome, the international collaborations joint space exploration could foster, and ultimately the inspiration it could ignite in the next generation of space dreamers.

Silencing critics through crazy feats

Criticism is inevitable for anyone operating on the global stage, especially for someone as unorthodox as Elon Musk. But the most effective way to address critics isn’t through words or online sparring – it’s through undeniable and unquestionable achievements. Every time SpaceX breaks a new barrier, it serves as a powerful rebuttal to Elon Musk’s naysayers. Actions speak louder than tweets in this case.

The successful catch of the Super Heavy booster is a testament to what’s possible when ambition meets engineering prowess. It’s a direct response to those who said it couldn’t be done, that reusable rockets were impractical, or that Mars colonisation is a fool’s errand. Each milestone reached by SpaceX adds credibility to Elon Musk’s grand vision and diminishes the weight of any scepticism. Where doing the impossible becomes second nature, in an arena often referred to as mankind’s final frontier. Because make no mistakes, space exploration isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity for long-term survival. This is where Elon Musk has the platform, the resources, and the innate audacity to make a difference on a scale that few others can.

Also read: Elon Musk’s SpaceX now operates two-thirds of Earth’s active satellites

But to do so effectively, he needs to prioritise. I mean let’s face it, there’s only so many hours in a day, and Musk isn’t getting any younger. While it’s impressive to juggle various companies, there comes a point where diversification can lead to serious distraction. Focusing on SpaceX doesn’t mean abandoning other projects, but it does mean recognising where Elon Musk’s efforts can have the most significant and lasting impact.

In fact, aligning his other ventures to support SpaceX could amplify their collective value. For instance, the development of Tesla’s Optimus robot could be harnessed to streamline SpaceX’s rocket production lines, making them more reliable, efficient, and cost-effective. By leveraging innovations from his other companies to bolster SpaceX’s mission, Elon Musk can better realise his overarching goal of making humanity multiplanetary.

Leaving behind a legacy for ages

One of the most potent outcomes of focusing on SpaceX is the inspiration it provides. The Apollo moon missions from 1961 to 1972 by NASA ignited a generation of scientists, engineers, and dreamers. SpaceX has the potential to do the same, reigniting interest in STEM fields and fostering a culture of innovation in a new global space renaissance of sorts.

At the end of the day, legacies are built on the lasting impact one leaves on the world. Elon Musk has the opportunity to be remembered not just as a successful entrepreneur but as a visionary who fundamentally altered the trajectory of human civilization.

The successful catch of the Super Heavy booster by SpaceX’s Mechazilla system is more than a technological triumph – it’s a glimpse into a future where the impossible becomes routine. Elon Musk stands at a crossroads where his actions can either amplify this momentum or allow it to dissipate amidst distractions. By dedicating himself more fully to SpaceX, Musk can ensure that his most impactful contributions are the ones that define his legacy. In doing so, he not only silences his critics but also inspires a world in need of big ideas and bold actions on a truly astronomical scale.

Also read: Elon Musk is training world’s most powerful AI, all details

Jayesh Shinde

Jayesh Shinde

Executive Editor at Digit. Technology journalist since Jan 2008, with stints at Indiatimes.com and PCWorld.in. Enthusiastic dad, reluctant traveler, weekend gamer, LOTR nerd, pseudo bon vivant. View Full Profile
