Don’t Miss: Zero1 Awards 2013

Updated on 29-Nov-2013

End of the year has come early for us, with Zero1 season in full-swing. After reviewing several hundred products this year, across various categories, we crown the best performing ones with our coveted Zero1 Award. Who'll win?

Stop! Don’t buy that gadget that you were planning to buy later today or this weekend. Why? Because in your hurry, you may not be buying the best performing product out there. Allow me to explain. 

As you’re aware, every year, day in day out, the Digit Test Centre puts several hundreds of products through rigorous tests, and meticulously ranks and rates them in order of merit. Why? Because we all deserve the best products, especially when picking the right one can be so darn difficult. 

And every year in the month of December, Digit tries to make that decision ridiculously simple. Because that’s when we announce our Zero1 Awards – given out only to the best performing products (within their respective categories) across everything that we’ve tested that year. This year, too, the Zero1 Awards is coming out. When? In the month of December, as usual.

Who will be crowned the champion among smartphones this year? Will it be the Apple iPhone 5S or Google Nexus 5? Between AMD and NVIDIA, which graphics card is the fastest in the world right now? Which is the best ultrabook in the market right now, and which gaming laptop pwns games better than the rest? For all these burning questions, answers are coming soon. We have just wrapped up the whole process, and can’t wait to reveal the results to you. 

After a rather hectic month of testing – not to mention blood, sweat, tears, and sleepless nights – the editorial team is proud to announce the winners of the Zero1 Awards 2013. These are the best products of the year and you can read all about them in the December Collector’s Edition of Digit magazine that should hit the stands in a couple of days. You can also pre-book the issue right now and get a neat 20% discount.

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