Rewind 2019: tech trends through the year

Rewind 2019: tech trends through the year

It's that time of the year again. December is when we do a lot of things, with the Zero1 awards being the biggest of all. However, over the years, we've also tried to give you a quick refresh of the year, from December last year to the end of November this year, so that we can recollect all that happened for posterity. Some day, long in the future, when you sit around reminiscing about your life, we're hoping you will bring out Digit's Rewinds of all the years and look back at how primitive technology used to be. Maybe you will be showing your grandkids how life used to be, or just sitting around with friends playing trivia… who knows what the future holds. 

Well, actually we tried to do that as well (know what the future holds), which is why instead of Rewind being a book of its own, we decided to do a fast forward instead, and Rewind has been given a new space at the end of the magazine. Fitting, because it comes at the end of the year…

Because we're short on space, however, this year's Rewind will have more links for you to follow and read, but it will still recap the whole year gone by. Without the luxury of a whole book, it will be much harder to do our usual categories, and instead, we're going with half a page for each month. Remember to send us feedback about this effort of ours, and tell us whether you prefer Rewind or Fast Forward as a book. Now get your time travel gear in order, and let's go!

PS You can access all the links for extra reading at They're all segregated into neat, month-wise folders, so you can sit back, relax, and rewind …

December 2018

End of the year is always so much fun, as you already know because you're probably reading this in December too…

Sony patent

We were very excited when we learnt that Sony might be working on a transparent phone screen. Essentially two screens back to back, the idea was that a display at the back could pick up incoming light and project it onto the corresponding pixel on the front screen, or vice versa. The result? A phone display that actually looks totally transparent.

Loads of 5G announcements

Many brands announced plans for 5G phones. Boy did they come rolling in… Samsung, Nokia, OnePlus, Huawei, Lenovo, Xiaomi, HTC, Vivo, Sony, LG, and more all announced something. Our news feed was buzzing with the term '5G' in December 2018.

Allo, goodbye

First there were rumors that Google would shut down Hangouts, which made us worry because we use it a lot to conference across locations. Then it was announced that it would not be shutting down Hangouts after all, yay! Then they announced they were shutting down Google Allo, and no one batted an eyelid. Goodbye Allo, and good riddance. 

Earn $ 22 million!

Sounds just like a rogue popup ad, doesnt it? Well, in December 2018 we reported that a seven year old Toy Reviewer (Ryan ToyReview) on YouTube had earned $ 22 million in 2018! With over 26 billion views back then, the 7-year old was much loved by kids from all over the world. Imagine getting to play with the latest toys to review them, AND getting paid $ 22 million to do it! Sounds like the best job ever.

Technology does not lie

When the police in UK received a distress call from a man reporting that his wife had been attacked and was not breathing, the last thing they expected was for the husband to be the murderer. However, upon examining the health app on his phone, they found that at the time the wife was murdered, he was running up and down stairs and erratically "working out" in his own house. This evidence played an important part in convincing the jury of his guilt. 


OnePlus announced plans to build an R&D center in Bangalore
Quora reported that data of 100 million users' was stolen by hackers
Voyager 2 followed in Voyager 1's footsteps and entered interstellar space. Bye Voyager 2, happy journey!
NYT report shows how even anonymous location data can be used to identify actual people and track them
PUBG banned 30,000 players for cheating
Google used AI to delete malware and fake reviews from the Play Store

January 2019

After what's usually a very hungover start to the new year, as life slowly trickles back into our bodies, we prepare ourselves for a month that sets the stage for an exciting year ahead. 

NASA creates history

Just hours into the new year, the spacecraft OSIRIS-REx successfully completed a burn to put itself into orbit around the asteroid Bennu. This feat was pretty amazing, given the fact that Bennu has a mass of about 5 millionths of Earth. However, so weak is the gravity, that it takes 62 hours to orbit Bennu! 

10 is greater than 7

Yes, we know that's obvious, but before January, data suggested that 7 was greater than 10… no we haven't been drinking on the job, we're talking Windows versions here. Finally, three-and-a-half years after launch, Windows 10 pipped Windows 7 to become the most used PC operating system in the world. 

Bad Facebook!

Reports that came out in Jan 2019 suggested that not only was Facebook tracking their users, but that they were tracking non-facebook users on Android as well. They were doing this by using the data that other developers provide to them via their own apps, which communicate with the Facebook platform using its SDK. Instead of sharing data of only those users who had linked their Facebook account to the aforementioned apps, the apps were lazily just sending Facebook data of all users, as soon as the apps were launched. 


January is our month to cover CES Las Vegas, and boy did we have a lot happen in the 2019 edition. 8K TVs were all the rage, but LG's rollable 8K display stole the show. Readers showed a lot of interest in Kohler's $ 8,000 smart toilet that did everything a luxury toilet does, including personalized cleansing and drying, a perfectly heated seat and smart flushing, etc. But, it also had Alexa inbuilt with speakers and even ambient lighting. There were loads of gaming laptops launched, including ASUS 'ROG Mothership, and Dell's G7 and Alienware Area-51m, as well the Alienware M15s and M17s. There was much more, but you're probably looking forward to the 2020 edition instead. Remember to check out our live coverage of CES 2020 on in January. 


An ISS astronaut accidentally dialed 911 from space
Netflix, Hotstar and others signed an agreement to self regulate
Samsung threatened to stop manufacturing phones in India if forced to follow the government's Phased 

Manufacturing Program

WhatsApp crashed for a bit on January 22, and users tweeted about it
PM Modi promised that Indians would get chip-based e-passports soon
a bug was revealed in iPhones which could cause a user who facetimed you to listen to your audio even if you did not answer the call!

February 2019

MWC is the biggest event of the month, and 2019 was no exception. A lot of promise, but fell short of delivering …

MWC Foldable phones

There were so many of them at MWC, with the Samsung Galaxy Fold launching just before you'd think those being showcased at MWC would pale in comparison. They didn't, even at the time, and the drama with the Galaxy Fold meant that brands were right to not rush their designs to production without adequate testing. Huawei's foldable Mate X, Oppo's prototype phone, Motorola's Razr 2019, LG's bendi screen, etc., were all promising for the future, but of those only the Razr and the Fold are currently selling in the market. We hope to see many more in 2020.  

Samsung's Galaxy S10 series

The launch of the S10 series overshadowed all other phone launches in February. The Galaxy Note was probably a hotter topic just before MWC, but it soon developed problems and was only getting negative press. The S10 series, however, was beautiful, and quite a few Digit employees took the plunge to buy one. 

Apple flexed its muscles

First Apple revoked the enterprise certificate of Facebook, which meant that Facebook was reduced to being just another app that needed to pass scrutiny, just as an app you or I could build and submit to the App Store. Then it did the same to Google, as a way of joining itself as the people's choice champion of privacy.

Biology mystery

A species of lizard living in the Andes mountains can give birth to young, as well as lay eggs, which biology thought to be impossible! The rule was that once an animal evolves to give birth to live young, it will not regress towards laying of eggs. The species of Lizard in question however, gives birth to live young in extreme cold, and lays eggs in warmer weather. 


AI found emotions in Buddhist statues, which are not supposed to show emotions …
Genetically engineered mosquitos are created that might be able to spread infertility in the mosquito population.
2018 was the worst year for smartphones, as only 1.4 billion phones were sold … down 4.9 percent! 
19 year old hung himself after parents refuse to buy a flagship phone for him to play PUBG on!
Apple finally fixes Facetime bug, and offer to contribute to the education of the 14-year old who found the bug.
617 million hacked accounts put up for sale on the dark web

March 2019

Tax time in India since it's the end of the financial year, which we don't care about because we earn too little… so instead, here's what was grabbing our attention at the time…

Fast Internet

Let's face it, we all love to live vicariously, and reading about fast speeds turns us on. So when a new world record for undersea cables was set in March, we all imagined what we'd do with such speeds ourselves, didn't we? Running from Virgin Beach, US, to Balboa, Spain, an undersea cable called Marea was used to arrive at transfer speeds of a whopping 26.2 terabits per second! 

More foldables

March saw renders of a foldable iPad being leaked by a Dutch tech website called LetsGoDigital. There's been no confirmation since, though, so it may just be a rumor. Along the same lines, rumors started flying when it was discovered that Google had filed for a patent for Z fold displays. We'd love the ability to fit a 17 inch (or larger) monitor on to a small form factor laptop. Corning announced that it was working on foldable Gorilla Glass screens …

Google and Facebook robbed

A man from Lithuania duped Google and Facebook of a whopping 122 million dollars! He did this by making fake invoices, creating fake email trails between him and employees of the companies, and raising fake bills. He posed as various representatives of a Taiwanese company called Quanta Computer, and opened bank accounts in their name in Latvia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Slovakia and Hungary. He then continued to dupe Facebook out of $ 99 million and Google out of $ 23 million. When he was finally caught by Google, he pled guilty, and agreed to pay back $ 50 million to the two companies. Now don't lie, despite knowing this is wrong, you're still impressed by the ingenuity of this one man, aren't you? 

S10 wallpapers

While Samsung's S10 devices were being ridiculed by some for the punch hole made in the displays for the front camera, others took it as a creative challenge, and we ended up with wallpapers that included the camera into the whole visual. 


Google announced the shutting down of yet another product – Inbox. 
A temporary PUBG ban reached ridiculous levels, with eight players being booked in Gujarat, for … illegally playing a game!
Apple announced it would start making its latest phones in India to lower prices, so that you would have to sell just one kidney (not both) to afford one.  
Gmail and Google drive had global outages, proving even cloud services are prone to failures
Netflix announced that it was looking at cheaper, "mobile-only" subscription plans
NASA recreated the conditions of primordial oceans in a lab to try and understand how life could form

April 2019

A month that starts with foolery, and often ends in foolery too!

ISRO Launch

ISRO successfully launched EMISAT and 28 nano satellites from Sriharikota. The mission was the 47th mission of the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), and included 28 nano satellites from Lithuania, Spain, Switzerland and the US. Just a week earlier India tested an anti-satellite (ASAT) missile in a mission titled Shakti. 

TikTok Ban

The Madras High Court asked the central government to ban access to TikTok because it claimed the app was promoted pornography. The court was hearing a public interest litigation against TikTok that claimed the app could be used to lure children. Towards TikTok was removed from Google's Play Store and Apple's App Store because of this. Turning, the ban was lifted by the Madras High Court and the app came back to the online stores for Indians, causing ardent Tik-Tokers to rejoice!


After Gujarat's banning and then unbanning of PUBG, Nepal and UAE followed suit. The game was banned in Nepal for some time, while concerned parents in the UAE were seeking to ban it there as well. Saner heads prevailed, however, and Nepal's Supreme Court declared that banning it could adversely affect citizen's freedom of expression. 

Indian Student destroys computers

A 27-year-old student from India, who was studying at College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, pled guilty for destroying 66 computers in the college using a USB killer device. Tee killer device causes the computer to quickly charge and discharge capacitors on the PC, and kills the USB port, the hard drive and motherboard. He was facing a 10-year jail sentence, but was eventually ordered to serve a year in prison. He also had to pay the damages of $ 58,471 for the equipment he destroyed. 


April Fool's day pranks abounded
youTubers use caltech camera to capture speed of light at 10 trillion frames per second
Game of Thrones was the most popular show to have malware-infected versions pirated online
Windows 10 no longer needs you to 'safely remove hardware' anymore as of March 2019
BlackBerry Messenger shut down for good (goodbye BBM …)
Cows in Britain adopt 5G before humans! 5G is used to track and milk the cows using robots

May 2019

A month where we prepare our anniversary issue, which is just as killer as this issue you hold in your hands! 


May is the month for Computex, and we rush off to Taiwan to get hands-on with the latest in technology. It's Asia's version of CES, and we love it! Gaming laptops were the rage, much like with CES earlier in the year. The big news for us PC users was the launch of Intel's 10th Gen Ice-Lake-U mobile processors. Dell also launched all new workstations, while there were also many refreshes to models from all brands, across all categories. You should check out our Computex hub on to read all about it. All of our Hubs are located here:

Fold cancelled

Samsung canceled all pre-orders of the Galaxy Fold that were not re-confirmed before May 31. The Fold fiasco really hurt Samsung, as the device was the butt of many jokes being shared by consumers. Samsung CEO even admitted that they had rushed the Fold, and should not have.  

400 million active users

Google announced that India had 400 million active internet users, and 350 million were connected by smartphones. They also said that the average Indian internet user was consuming about 8 GB of mobile data per month. It also revealed that non-metro search volumes were increasing much faster than metro searches on mobiles. Plus, voice search was skyrocketing! 

Huawei ban

When the US banned Huawei products because of security concerns, it impacted the company, and many other companies as well. Being blacklisted meant that suddenly there were millions of devices owned by companies and individuals alike that would get no support from Huawei, which was a concern. It was eventually given a 90-day reprieve to be able to push updates for all its devices. Then came the announcements and leaks about companies pulling support for their devices, for example, it was leaked that Microsoft may block Windows updates to Huawei laptops, and providers rushed to find new partners to align with for upcoming 5G services. At the time, Huawei was one of the biggest players in the 5G space globally. 


Tesla autopilot crashed again, and the company was sued
We found out that top streamers get paid about $ 50,000 an hour to stream games! 
Facebook removed 3 billion fake accounts in just 6 months
16-year old from Madhya Pradesh died of a heart attack after losing in PUBG mobile
Facebook announced it would change interface to put events and groups at center stage

June 2019

Anniversary month and the start of the monsoon, and even in the tech world, when it rains it pours…

Another Google cloud outage

Everything from Play Store, YouTube, and all G Suite services went down at this time. Not only were Google services down, but also others that depend on their servers, such as Snapchat, Discord, and others. What's worse, no one knew what happened, and Google were tight lipped about why their services were down.

My name is Alexa

No it is not baby, no it isnt! It was reported in June that a baby was responding to the name Alexa, even though the baby's name is Caroline. A video posted online reveals how often the baby hears the word, and obviously likes the consequences because the mother was using Alexa to play nursery rhymes or something the baby liked. 


No we're not talking about the disease, we're talking about the YouTube comments section which is often called cancer, and with good reason. It seems all you find there are trolls and the scourge of humanity, eager to outdo themselves to reach the goal of the most disgusting thing a human can say. It makes Twitter look like a kindergarten class. So we all rejoiced when YouTube started testing the hiding of the comments section by default. Sure, you could still get to it if you wanted to… but who wants to?

That's Photoshopped!

We have all used that phrase at some point or the other, because of how common it is to see edited images. In June it was announced that a research team had taught an AI to be able to recognize when Photoshop was used to edit a person's face. The AI ​​specifically looked for edits made using Photoshops Face Aware Liquify feature. Of course, it will be a while (if ever) before we can develop an AI that can just look at a picture and tell you what edits have been made to it, but if that were the case, deep fakes and the like will find it harder to fool humans.

Bye jony ive

The end of an era, some called it, because that's how integrated the idea of ​​Apple's design was with Jony Ive. Those with insider knowledge had seen it coming for years after Steve Jobs' death, as Ive gone from the guy whose own designs defined Apple to somewhat of a manager of the department.


A 15-year-old stabbed his brother to death for not letting him play PUBG
Indian engineering student gets WWDC 2019 scholarship from Apple
Samsung announce that Galaxy Fold's issues have been resolved by
President Trump reinstated business with Huawei after a G20 summit
Apple iTunes to be shut down for good.

July 2019

Proper monsoon season, and Mumbai folk start drowning right on schedule, allowing those of us who work in Mumbai to work from home. Hot pakodas and chai! Ahhh, this is the life!

Shakti SDK

IIT Madras researchers released an SDK for our first indigenously designed microprocessor. The processor is open source, and is based on the RISC-V instruction set. The processor wasn't out then, but releasing the SDK allowed people to begin developing software for it, so that the software and hardware could come to market at the same time. 

Facebook outage

WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram faced outages all across the globe, in yet another example of how cloud apps can still fail. This happened on July 3 for a few hours, and Twitter lit up with people complaining left and right. Pretty soon it also will be Twitter's turn to go down for a bit, so where will people complain then? Maybe LinkedIn? Or reddit? Who knows …


After being delayed from its original July 15 launch date, and then again from its second launch date on July 18, Chandrayaan-2, the country's mission to the moon, was finally launched successfully on July 22. 

$ 5 Billion fine

Facebook was given a $ 5 Billion fine by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on July 24, thanks to its involvement with the Cambridge Analitica scandal, and their lack of action leading up to it. Because 50 million users had harvested their data, this worked out to about $ 100 per user in fines. 


July also saw Reliance Jio become the largest telecom operator in the country, just three years after launching! Jio's subscriber base was 331.3 million people at the end of July, and previous topper Vodafone dropped from 334.1 million to 320 million. And now they're increasing mobile tariff rates along with other telecom service providers, just when we got used to ridiculously cheap network plans 🙁


India slipped 3 positions in both mobile and fixed broadband country rankings by Ookla. Since then it has slipped even further … 
Scientists create artificial sun in a lab
Apple has a successful quarter, selling $ 26 million worth of phones in AMJ
Agent Smith malware affects 15 million mobile phones in India

August 2019

Independence month for us Indians is always special, because we like living free, and also getting stuff for free. Cue the independence day sale advertisements!

Smartphone market grows

A market research report said that the Indian smartphone market grew by an impressive five percent in Q2 of 2019. We Indians love our preferred brands, because six out of seven phones sold in India belong to one of the top five smartphone brands – Xiaomi, Samsung , Vivo, Oppo and Realme. Samsung also closed the gap on Xiaomi with their skew of budget offerings. BBK group, the parent company of Vivo, OnePlus, Realme and Oppo accounts for 30 per cent of all smartphones that are sold in India. In contrast, the feature phone market in India saw a sharp fall from previous quarters and years, thanks to lowered demand for Jio phones.


It was revealed in August that Microsoft was listening in to users' private Skype calls, and its excuse for doing so was to improve its voice-enabled services. 

Even at the time this was not really surprising, because researchers had proved that Amazon, Apple and Google were also all doing the same thing. It was a no-brainer really, when you realize that these four companies all have an AI assistant that users can talk to, and thus, obviously, have to listen and record in order to be able to answer user queries. Now, how they use the recordings is what really matters, but we're not really privy to that information unless there is misuse and a whistleblower steps forward.


August was the month when Chandrayaan-2 entered the orbit around the moon after having traveled for about a month after it took off from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota. It was preparing for a September landing of the Vikram Lander …

Asteroids and musk 

Elon has a way of starting controversies even when he doesn't mean to (or so we think). Thus, an innocent tweet exchange between him and MMA commentator, comedian, and podcaster Joe Rogan made the world lose its sh **! In the tweet Musk said a big asteroid would eventually come, and we had no way of protecting / defending ourselves from it. While the world panicked, NASA rushed in to save the day by assuring people that no big asteroids were headed to earth in the next 100 years at least, and that governments and space agencies were studying many different ways to deflect a rogue asteroid if one ever comes …


Apple announced that India's first Apple store would be opened in Mumbai
Apple sued Corellium for virtualizing iOS on ARM

September 2019

The weather gets hotter and the technology news does too!

Hide the Likes

Both Facebook and Instagram announced their plans to hide like counts, which was a positive step forward, given that they really serve no purpose except feed our egos, our biases and try and get us to put up fronts, or engage in certain behaviors to get likes. Kind of like how we train dogs to sit up and beg, by giving them little treats and pats on the head …

Vikram Crash

Look, technically, the Vikram lander was successful. ISRO said it would land on the moon, and it did. So what if it landed a little harder than anticipated and technically "crashed". Since the main mission was always the orbiter, and the Vikram lander was a bonus, at least we got the Indian flag on the moon again, after Chandrayaan-1's probe carried a flag. Onwards ISRO! Time for some Indians to go to the moon …

Air India vs Macbook

Air India issued an advisory to passengers to not try to carry 15-inch MacBooks on flights, as there were concerns for about batteries. This applied to 15-inch MacBooks which were purchased anytime between September 2015 and February 2017. The advisory was due to a recall issued by Apple for the devices to test for overheating batteries.

iPhone Bug

Google researchers at Project Zero announced a bug that they were researching and were trying to fix along with Apple. The flaw in iOS allowed certain websites to hack iPhones and get access to all the contacts, all of a user's photos, give real time access of location, and stealing files from the file system. It even gave them access to all the texts and emails on messaging apps such as WhatsApp, Gmail and more. * shudder *


Joker malware on the Google Play Store infects 24 apps and about half a million users
Amazon Alexa announced that it would be able to understand and respond in Hindi
OnePus CEO announced that the OnePlus TVs would be manufactured in India
iPhone 11 Pro Max, 11 Pro and 11 go on sale all across India
OnePlus 7T spotted on Geekbench and fanboys go wild!

October 2019

A month we usually celebrate Dusshera and Gandhi Jayanti, which means trips on long weekends and more excuses to shop online…

No Pixel 4

After waiting with bated breath for the launch of the Pixel 4, because we love Pixel cameras and the stock Android experience, with the fastest possible updates to Android… it turned out India wouldn’t be getting the Pixel 4 afterall! Why? Because the Pixel 4’s Soli Radar operated at 60 GHz, which is a frequency banned in India. Then there were rumours that the Pixel would come to India without the Soli Radar (which was one of the most innovative features of the new phone), and then eventually we all resigned to not getting our hands on a Google flagship phone for the first time ever. Oh well! 

Tariff rise

The bad news started in October, when Airtel CEO announced that current tariffs were unsustainable, and needed to go up. Mainly because of Jio forcing the tariffs lower, India was enjoying some of the cheapest data rates in the world. Sadly, nothing good lasts forever, and now we find ourselves embracing for hikes in our bills. Don’t forget to check out Boo-man’s column this month, he has some choice words on the subject, as usual. 


NASA conducted an all-female spacewalk from the International Space Station, and many people across the globe watched it live. Of course it lasted 7 hours and 17 minutes, as astronauts Christina Koch and Jessica Meir stepped out into the void to repair a broken battery charging unit. It was nice to see women do yet another thing that men had usually done, and one more barrier to equality fall. Though a few people were questioning the stereotype of women clicking loads of selfies, even when space walking… 

Immortal mice

In October we learnt about scientists who had slowed aging in mice, by increasing the length of the telomeres. Mice bred with extra long telomeres showed far fewer signs of ageing, and more importantly, seemed to show far fewer signs of age-related diseases. It’s still early days, but we might hit on the fountain of youth for mice pretty soon. Human trials and results are too far away to care about right now. Or at least that’s what we’re told… 


Scientists develop second skin that helps you feel VR content in real life! 
Google kills its VR platform Daydream
Government plans on merging BSNL and MTNL
Oral-B AI toothbrush can shame you for not brushing teeth, not brushing them enough, or missing certain areas
OnePLus 7T McLaren edition goes on sale
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660 and 1650 announced

November 2019

The month we work on the December edition that you hold in your hands. It’s a killer month for us, while you celebrate Diwali or recuperating from the celebrations, we kill ourselves working! 🙁

Fitbit is Google’s

This month Google announced that it would acquire Fitbit for $2.1 billion dollars in an all-cash deal. We expect some interesting things to happen now, as wearables really start to take off with Google’s might behind it pushing them to do so…

Vaping bad!

Apple has banned all vaping apps on its App Store in a move to safeguard the health of their users. It deleted 181 apps based on health recommendations made to the public by the CDC and the US government. Of course, Apple has removed apps, which obviously are not the same as hardware for vaping. Instead the apps were being used to control vaping hardware, and change things like the light colour, or could even control the temperature that the vape pens worked at. 


Jimmy Wales, all round good guy and founder of Wikipedia, is someone you would have seen on Wikipedia once in a while when you were reading an article and saw a plea from him to donate in order to keep Wikipedia running. Well, he’s now started a social media company that will focus on accurate news reporting and sharing, and essentially clamping down on fake news. Make sure you get on it right this instant – is the address you should bookmark.

Half-life: Alyx

We cannot wait for the next Half-life game, that’s coming in March 2020. When we heard the news in November, some of us who have been waiting for a new HL game since 2007 almost had tears in their eyes! You’re going to need VR equipment, but if history is anything to go by, this is one game that will make the investment absolutely worth it! 


Apple App Store error causes 22 million app ratings to go poof! Apple acknowledged this and said it would restore ratings
Intel's 10th gen Comet Lake desktop CPUs leaked
China imposes curfew on online video games for minors
Facebook testing a meme-making app called Whale
TikTok developer ByteDance released Jianguo Pro 3 phone powered by Snapdragon 855!

Mithun Mohandas

Mithun Mohandas

Mithun Mohandas is an Indian technology journalist with 10 years of experience covering consumer technology. He is currently employed at Digit in the capacity of a Managing Editor. Mithun has a background in Computer Engineering and was an active member of the IEEE during his college days. He has a penchant for digging deep into unravelling what makes a device tick. If there's a transistor in it, Mithun's probably going to rip it apart till he finds it. At Digit, he covers processors, graphics cards, storage media, displays and networking devices aside from anything developer related. As an avid PC gamer, he prefers RTS and FPS titles, and can be quite competitive in a race to the finish line. He only gets consoles for the exclusives. He can be seen playing Valorant, World of Tanks, HITMAN and the occasional Age of Empires or being the voice behind hundreds of Digit videos. View Full Profile