Best Pammi Aunty videos to watch right now!

Updated on 12-Jul-2016

Have you met the YouTube sensation, Pammi Aunty yet? This one is for all the Punjabis out there.

Pammi aunty A.K.A Ssumier S Pasricha, is all the rage right now! You cannot help but come across at least 5 viral videos from the Indian actor, hilariously (sometime ridiculously) portraying an aggressive Punjabi lady, who knows no better than to sit and gossip on the phone with her partner in crime Sarla! Has anyone ever noticed how the hair rollers on her head are actually sticking to the towel, instead of hair! ROFL! Enough with the descriptor, we are sure all you millennials know this character too well. Here are some of Pammi Aunty’s funniest rants ever!

PS: Non Punjabis may not/cannot make sense of this at all!

1. Some South Indian food for lord Hanuman?

2. Lost Signal!

3. How many wicket keepers in a game of Football?

4. Should we worry about Brexit?

5. Finally, meet the real Pammi Aunty

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