Announcing the devworx Adroit Contest!

Welcome to the devworx Adroit Contest. devworx encourages you, the developer, to come and exhibit your deftness. This could be that one opportunity you were looking for! devworx has been instrumental in bringing multiple opportunities to prove your expertise in several engagements such as the developerWorks Platform by IBM. This time we invite software developers to prove their aptness in one of IBM’s tools called Worklight. 

The contest is open to people who register anywhere between July 01-31, 2012. In order to do so, you need to join the developerWorks India group, register and get a new and valid public profile link during this period. Users with a profile created prior to this time period do not qualify for the contest.

What is IBM Worklight?

It’s a tool that allows you to create web applications that run in a free environment where they can securely access local data. By using the PhoneGap framework, Worklight gives your applications access to native resources while still using web standards. This leaves you free to develop your UI in HTML5 and share that across all platforms.

Going by the popularity of devworx contests, we have increased the prize kitty and tried our best to make it as interesting as possible. devworx Adroit contest brings another chance for you and your techie friends and family members to participate and win exciting prizes!

Remember, only 3 steps stand between you the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, Sony PS2, Philips GoGera RaGa MP3 player, Logitech stereo headset, pen drives, Digit t-shirts and many other exciting prizes.

This is your chance to get informed, educate, entertain and come closer to programming brains across the country. Happy Winning!

For contest resources, prizes, terms and conditions, visit the contest page.

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