AI everywhere: Where is the AI road leading us to?

Updated on 12-Apr-2024

AI has been the talk of the town over the last year and a half. For most of us, it started with Dall-E taking over headlines and then its text-focused cousin, ChatGPT making in-roads with its writeups that were, to say the least, interesting. This was November 2022. Since then, it seems like a tsunami of AI has taken over the world. Even we caved in and decided to do an entire issue of the magazine in April 2023, calling it the “AI Issue”. And, to our surprise, that issue of the magazine was loved by everyone and even ended up selling out across the country. Most of the content in the magazine that month was generated by AI, and was surprisingly great. I mean, the magazine sold out. That was one of the ways we witnessed how powerful AI was at that time and the potential it held.

So, when the massive corporations got a hint of what Artificial Intelligence would be and how it would be impacting the world, they hopped on. And they did big time. Take the example of CES. Our Chief Editor, Soham Raninga went to the show this year and was astonished by the way AI was being talked about at the show. Commenting on the insane rise of AI in the world of consumer tech and highlighting his experience at the show, he said, “Before the start of the show, all the invites that I got were about AI. And on the floor, it reflected to a large extent”. Not only him but also several other people who were there on the show floor had the same observation.

We have established that AI has gotten a lot of attention from manufacturers. And, as that tech makes its way into our hands, we are starting to figure out more ways than one to work with that tech. While the effects of AI are far-reaching, in this article, we will be looking at some of the key areas where companies have invested in AI, as well as some key statistics and applications of AI. So, without further ado, let’s dive in and look at some of the most interesting ways in which AI has made in-roads in our lives, especially in education, art, agriculture, and consumer tech – ABC with AI.

When we talk about ChatGPT one of the first things that comes to mind is how students across the world have started using it to complete their assignments and un-ethically using it to pump up their grades in school. This has led to text-based generative AI being used and frowned upon by many people across the world. Educational institutes and professionals across the world have tried combating the use of AI, but failed. This is because OpenAI’s own tool that they intended to use to identify AI-generated content was not able to work well, and they took it down. So, what now? Well, instead of playing a game of whack a mole with AI content, teachers have adapted make it their own best friend.

Students across the globe are being assigned work that requires them to critically analyse the output given by ChatGPT on a certain topic and come up with their own thesis on the same. For example, teachers assign students to write an essay on the impact of AI. Students go and generate it using ChatGPT. Now, the assignment does not end there. The students are required to now asses the content that AI-generated and then identify the critical points that it missed or the arguments that it put forth, and whether they align the thoughts of the student on that topic or not. If not, the student has to reason why.

Now, this is one way, in which AI is being used by teachers to their own advantage. There have also been teachers, not only at the school level, but also at colleges and universities, that have been using ChatGPT and other AI models and tools for their own purposes. For example, I have seen many teachers mention that tools like Scholarcy are being used by them to analyse research papers and get summaries which they in turn use to prepare for their own research or lectures.
The best way in the world of education seems to be to not weed out AI from campuses but rather innovatively embrace it.

AI and art have been at loggers head for some time now. Be it AI generating images or making music, the artist community has been split between making use of it or standing up in arms against it. There is a lot of debate around the use of AI in the world of art. I as a writer, and someone who interested in poetry would say, that if used smartly, AI has the potential to help artists grow and create better content for their patrons and attract new ones as well.

While using AI in generating images and music is up for debate, because of the very fact that the data that these generative AI models train on is from the people who are actually bringing their imagination to life. However, if an artist is looking to grow their presence and send their content out to larger audiences, they can use AI tools to their advantage by putting it to work to enhance their social media presence. They can use it to their advantage as the teachers did by showcasing the differences between AI-generated art and their own work. There are ways in which AI can be used, and keeping an open mind about it is something that is very important.

Agritech is revolutionising the traditional methods of farming and cultivation by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) for higher yield, efficiency, sustainability, and profitability. This advanced technology is not only employed in horticulture and agriculture but also in forestry, aquaculture, and viticulture. AI plays a crucial role in conserving the planet and its ecosystem by detecting plant diseases, pests, insects, locusts, and chemical fertilisers. It identifies malnourished farms, and parched lands needing irrigation and determines the need for treatment with fertilisers or pesticides.

AI also aids in predicting seasons suitable for sowing and harvesting and incorporates innovative techniques like vertical agriculture to increase output while reducing the use of exhaustive natural resources. The new generation of educated farmers is more accustomed to modern machines and AI-aided technology, preferring to combine traditional land tilling with technology. The goal is to ensure that whether you buy veggies and fruits from online supermarkets or physical grocery stores, the produce retains its freshness and nutritional value from the field to the dining table. Practices like growing greens and animal husbandry have become norms to maintain biodiversity. Hybrid vegetables, organic farming, kitchen gardening, hydroponic plants, and space crops in zero gravity are some of the areas where AI is being utilised, all aimed at reaping the best returns from Mother Nature’s bountiful gifts.

As I prefaced earlier in the article, there have been ways in which consumer tech has embraced AI, which we would have never thought before. To give you a better understanding of the same, flip the page and you will get an idea of the ways in which AI has made in roads into our tech. Beware, it might scare you…

Tapia AI Robot Companion

This delightful robot is capable of recognizing human voices and actions to cater better to your needs. Tapia can remember birthdays and names as it learns with each conversation.


This device responds to spoken commands and communicates with other devices so you can manage your home. From a simple task such as waking you up with a personalized message and the weather to locking up your house when you leave for the day, Mycroft has you covered.

The Flappie AI-powered cat flap

The device has motion sensors and AI vision technology to spot when your feline friend tries to bring small animals into the house.

Bonjour smart AI alarm clock

This alarm clock has voice-controlled AI that turns it into your personal assistant. Bonjour features a warm and welcoming female voice to inform you of possible traffic, weather for the day, and can respond to your every request.

Dashbot AI robot for cars

This device sits atop your dashboard and provides you with everything you need to create the best journey. The Dashbot AI Robot syncs with your smartphone so you can be alerted to notifications and messages, control and manage your tunes, and even get turn-by-turn directions without having to touch your device.

Vortex: Robotic toy re-invented

A smart and responsive robot that kids can play with and program. Using the Vortex and apps, kids can play different games, learn about robotics, and even create their own.

Satvik Pandey

Satvik Pandey, is a self-professed Steve Jobs (not Apple) fanboy, a science & tech writer, and a sports addict. At Digit, he works as a Deputy Features Editor, and manages the daily functioning of the magazine. He also reviews audio-products (speakers, headphones, soundbars, etc.), smartwatches, projectors, and everything else that he can get his hands on. A media and communications graduate, Satvik is also an avid shutterbug, and when he's not working or gaming, he can be found fiddling with any camera he can get his hands on and helping produce videos – which means he spends an awful amount of time in our studio. His game of choice is Counter-Strike, and he's still attempting to turn pro. He can talk your ear off about the game, and we'd strongly advise you to steer clear of the topic unless you too are a CS junkie.

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