Adobe Max 2011

Adobe Max 2011

Coming to think of it, where there’s creativity, an Adobe product is just round the corner. From PDF files, Flash banners, YouTube videos, and ads that we all view on web pages or print that are created in Flash, After Effects or compiled in Premiere Pro; to even print magazines such as Digit that use InDesign to manage text and image layout and flow; or web sites (which are probably coded in Dreamweaver); there’s the touch of Adobe in all that we do in this day and age.

So when there is an event such as Adobe Max 2011 which is a potpourri of creative individuals from across the globe, including designers, product evangelists, certified experts, entrepreneurs and developers that work on varied platforms and media, there’s bound to be an aura of excitement. We were equally thrilled at the opportunity to attend Adobe Max 2011 and hear first hand from the leaders in creativity. What’s even more exciting is that we are going to hear some major announcements in the next couple of days. Announcements that would highlight the path the company would be taking with respect to its products and the industry as a whole.

What we’re waiting to see is their impact on the mobile and tablet space, and in particular, the app culture that is rampantly growing with smartphones and tablets becoming popular. Irrespective of whether you’re a developer building apps or are a service provider or device manufacturer, the upcoming announcements would be something you’d want to keep a ‘tab’ on.

Nash David