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A look at Twitter’s new web profile

A look at Twitter’s new web profile

Twitter's new profile design shows a huge cover photo and a bio on the left, massively similar to Facebook's Timeline. Do you like the new design?

Twitter’s new profile design for desktop is now available for everyone. Twitter recently announced rolling out a new design for a select number of users earlier this month. As you must have noticed already, Twitter’s new design seems heavily inspired from Facebook’s Timeline. There’s a huge cover photo on top and a profile pic along with description is displayed on the left – massively similar to Facebook.

That said, there’s a lot of other changes as well in your Twitter profile. At the top of your feed, you see the number of tweets posted, photos/videos posted, people you follow, and who follows you. It also shows the number of favorites.

The edit profile button has been shifted to the extreme left. The panel on the left show you suggestions on who to follow, popular accounts and find friends. Trends now appear below it. The top bar remains unchanged with home, notifications, discover and me buttons on the left, and message, settings and compose new Tweet on the left.

Now Twitter has made it easier to identify the “Best Tweets” as the tweets that have received more engagement will appear slightly larger. The new feature seems to be aimed at businesses, which may now find it easier to determine what content is getting popular.

Moreover, you can pin Tweets to the top of your page. Pinned tweet stays to the top of your profile until you unpin it or choose a different tweet to pin. Currently, Twitter allows you only to pin single Tweet. And, there’s filtered Tweets, giving users option to choose which timeline to view checking out other profiles. The options include Tweets, Tweets with photos/videos, or Tweets and replies.

To get the new Twitter profile page, tap the “Get it Now” button popping on the top of the page.  Or, you can visit this page from your desktop browser. Scroll to the bottom, click the ‘Get it Now’ button.

The new profile is one of the biggest changes from Twitter so far. Have you tried out the new profile? Do you like/hate it? Let us know your views in the comments section below or @1987kulbhushan:

Kul Bhushan