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Tips to help you win in Call of Duty: Mobile’s new Hackney Yard map

Tips to help you win in Call of Duty: Mobile’s new Hackney Yard map

Hackney Yard is the newest addition to Call of Duty: Mobile

The map features an urban setting

Here are some tips that might help you win

Call of Duty: Mobile’s Hackney Yard is finally available for Multiplayer. While the map was available earlier as part of the Season 12 'Going Dark' update, it was limited to night mode. Now players can enjoy their map to its full glory. However, as with any new map, mastering it can be a tricky mistress. Thankfully, these five tips can help you win.

Learn the routes

Like with pretty much every other map, learning all the routes can help you get the drop on enemies. This is especially true for a map like Hackey Yard that has numerous paths through buildings. Further, these may not exit exactly where you may think they would. As such, learning these routes can help you surprise enemies and can be quite helpful in game modes like Domination or Hardpoint.

Something for everyone

While the Hackney Yard may be small, it offers something for every player, regardless of their weapon preference. Snipers can turn the central area into a deadly kill zone while using the shipping containers for cover. Shotgunners and SMG users can make short work of enemies indoors. Meanwhile, the well-rounded stats of assault rifles make it a good weapon for going solo or providing backup.

Trip your enemies

The urban sprawl of Call of Duty: Mobile’s Hackney Yard map features many right corners and corridors. As such, an enterprising player would be smart to leave behind a Trip Mine, (or two if the Shrapnel perk is used). In order to ensure you don’t end up on the receiving end of this, pack the Flak Jacket or the Hardwired perk.

Height advantage?

Many of the buildings in Hackney Yard give you the option to climb up a floor to get a height advantage. However, these usually give you a limited view or leave you completely open to return fire. As such, it is usually not a good idea to camp out there. Instead, consider using your height advantage to quickly dispose of enemies and then quickly move away.

Wide scorestreak options

Almost all scorestreaks can be effective in Hackney Yard, although some can be exceptionally deadly. Turrets like the Shield Turret, Sentry Gun, and even the XS1 Goliath can be very useful in blocking off chokepoints. Aerial scorestreaks like the Stealth Chopper, Predator Missile, and VTOL can be a bit of a problem due to the number of indoor spaces. However, the MQ-27 Dragonfire drone can be very helpful in warning teammates about any enemies about to flank them.

Shrey Pacheco

Shrey Pacheco

Writer, gamer, and hater of public transport. View Full Profile
