PUBG Mobile map locations with high probability of good loot

Updated on 03-Jun-2020

If you’ve ever wondered which are the best places to land for loot in all four maps available in PUBG Mobile, then you have come to the right place.

When it comes to battle royale games like PUBG Mobile, where you land can be the difference between chicken dinner, and a trip back to the game lobby. This is the first decision you have to make in the game and one that has to be done quickly. Landing at the right spot means that you can gear up quickly, and be on the move. The longer you take to gear up, the more time you spend hunting for gear and not other players. 


Before we get down to naming locations in each of the four maps, we should make a few things a little clear, lest you come after us wielding pitchforks:

A) The landing locations mentioned here are based on the probability of finding good loot. PUBG Mobile is a game that randomises loot and loot locations. So there is a small chance that you won't find exactly what you are looking for in these locations. 

B) There is a very good probability that you will not be the only ones to land here. So make sure you’re good enough to fight off any opposing players that make the mistake of landing with you. Keep a lookout for other parachutes when landing.

C) We are not saying that you should always jump down to these locations. Many players have their own preferred landing locations and that is perfectly fine.


With that out of the way, Let’s begin:



Pochinki: ‘nuff said.

Georgopol/Hospital: The north section of Georgopol features many apartments, while the south side has loads of shipping containers. These location make for great loot as well as hiding sports. Also, they make for good places to hide from other players as well. If Georgopol is a little too crowded, you can consider making a break south, towards the Hospital. 

Yasnaya Polynaya: Located just northeast of the School, this place offers a number of apartments. So you get a lot of loot. However, if you’ve landed with a bunch of other players, and want to make a fast getaway, finding a vehicle can be tough. 

Novorepnoye: Most people tend to gravitate towards the Military Base in the southern island. However, it’s Novorepnoye that tends offers better loot that’s more densely packed. It’s more like a smaller version of Georgopol.

School: The School itself, as well as the apartments to the east of it make for pretty good landing spots. When landing at the school, try and land on the east side of the roof and drop down directly to the auditorium for good loot.



Los Leones: This a huge city packed with apartments as well as commercial buildings. Lots of loot here, but be wary of snipers located on rooftops.

Pecado: This location features a large arena as well as a casino. Looting these locations can offer good loot, but be wary of other players doing the same. The four-story hotel may offer a safer location to loot. 

San Martin/Hacienda del Patron: This little town features a number of houses for you to loot, but be wary of other players since there are few places to hide once you decide to leave town. Thankfully, there tends to be some vehicles that spawn here, so try and procure one of those when you make your exit. If you want to play a little safe, you might consider landing a little east, towards hacienda del Patron.

El Pozo: Located towards the west section of the map, El Pozo features a number of commercial buildings that you can loot. There is also a Luchador Arena that offers much promise. 

Monte Nuevo: This place is located south of El Pozo and offers a number of houses that you can loot. There are also some walls that can offer cover in case you aren’t the only one to land here. 



Bootcamp: Located at the center of the map, Bootcamp offers lots of gear. However, it has the same problem that Pochinki has in Erangel i.e. – expect a lot of people to land with you. 

Paradise Resort: Located northeast of Bootcamp, Paradise Resort promises a lot of loot within its numerous buildings. However, if other players land with you (which they most likely will), expect tense shootouts. 

Pai Nan: Located just south of Bootcamp, Pai Nan makes for a good spot to land, since most people tend to go for Bootcamp or any other location nearby. Land, quickly gear up and use a vehicle to move to an ambush location near the bridge. You can also get on a boat and take the river to try and flank your opponents.

Kampong: Located in the East, Kampong offers a relatively good loot. However, the rice paddies around the location are pretty open, so keep that in mind when you’re exiting the place. 

Sahmee: This places is located on the southern part of the island and tends to offer top quality loot. On top of this, this place is usually not that popular, so you can loot in relative peace. 



Volnova: Most people tend to head towards the Castle, but don’t realise that Volnova promises the most loot. As such, makes for a better drop zone than the Castle, not to mention the fact that there are only three bridges out of the castle, which can act like ambush points.

Dobro Mesto: Located on the western edge of the map, Dobro Mesto is a large city that offers multiple houses for you to loot. However, since it is in the corner of the map, keep your eyes open when the map starts to shrink. 

Goroka: Located close to the center, Goroka offers multiple houses as well as impressive amounts of loot. However, it also tends to be pretty popular with other players as well. There is a also a large lake to the south and south east. You can risk running through it, but you’ll leave yourself open for ambush.

Podvosto: Another little town that promises good loot, Podvosto is located north of the Castle. It also sports a couple of vehicle spawn points that you can use to get out if things get too hot.

Movatra: Located just south of Dobo Mesto, Movatra holds a decent amount  of loot, and is generally empty. However, the vehicle spawn probability in the area means that you can also choose to quickly loot and move on to other areas like the Dino Park located to the east. 

Shrey Pacheco

Writer, gamer, and hater of public transport.

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