Here’s what can get you banned in Battlegrounds Mobile India

Updated on 22-Jun-2021

Krafton has released a list of infractions that can get a player banned in Battlegrounds Mobile India.

These range from small 3-day bans to permanent bans.

This is necessary to ensure a fair gameplay environment for players.

Online gaming can be quite a mess if there aren’t any rules or guidelines to keep things in check. When people break certain rules, developers usually have to ban them in order to ensure a fair gameplay environment for other users. This is why games like PUBG Mobile, Free Fire and Call of Duty: Mobile regularly check their player base for any unfair gameplay.

Battlegrounds Mobile India has also got some pretty strict rules when it comes to its game. In fact, many violations will see a permanent ban for players. While a permanent ban may seem harsh, it is sometimes necessary. After seeing the list of infractions, you would agree that it's justified for most of them. 

Permanent bans in Battlegrounds Mobile India

Use, develop, advertise, trade, or distribute unauthorized programs or hardware devices: This one is simple. Do not create, sell or distribute hacking software or hardware.

Modification of game client, servers, and game data: Just like the one above. Do not use hacks like aimbots or wallhacks. 

Exploiting bugs and glitches: The game will not ban you if you come across a glitch. However, if you start using the same glitch to get an unfair advantage, you might be banned.

Discriminatory Act: Self-explanatory. Discrimination on the basis of race, religion, or gender has no place in humanity, let alone Battlegrounds Mobile India.

Teamkilling: While you won’t be able to shoot your team in Battlegrounds Mobile India. There are still ways you can kill your team. Accidentally killing a teammate shouldn’t lead to a ban, but continuously doing so will.

Teaming: Simple really. If you are playing the single-player mode then do not team up with another player. 

Stalking: Stalking here refers to the act of following a player across multiple matches. Possibly to disrupt their game. 

Publishing personal information: This one is pretty obvious. Publishing anyone’s personal information, especially without their consent is not cool.

Abusing: The term abusing here refers to the abuse of gameplay. This includes things like fixing match results. Verbal abuse has its own punishment. 

Usage of another user’s account / Restrict the usage of account: Again, only use the account that is connected to you and you alone. 

Abusive use of AFK: AFK (Away From Keyboard) is a tactic wherein players just join a match and then not do anything. They then get to feed off the hard work of their teammates while contributing nothing on their own. Don’t do this. 

Disturbing business operations: In simple terms, players should not spread any false information, abuse the customer 

Abnormal gameplay: Abnormal gameplay is a vast and generic term that could encompass anything that the developers don’t consider to be within the parameters of standard gameplay.

Inappropriate advertisement: Basically, do not sell anything to other players while playing. 

Abnormal payment or subscription: Only use legitimate and approved ways when getting in-game items.

Abuse of open market store policies and processes: The use of any loopholes or abuse of store policies can get you banned as well. 

Trade/sell accounts: Pretty straightforward. If you are trying to sell your account, it will be banned.

90-day ban

Usage of inappropriate nicknames and clan names: No matter how funny you think the name is, try and keep things family-friendly.

Inappropriate use of profile photo: Again, keep things family-friendly and don’t use text in your profile photo.

30-day ban

Inappropriate use of language: Be careful of what you say or you will be banned for a short period.

Gameplay interference: Gameplay interference should be anything from griefing players to using the spectate mode to inform a friend of enemy locations. 

3-day ban

Investigate the use of unauthorised programs or hardware devices: If you are suspected of using hacks, the developers may ban your account for a few days while they are investigating. 

Shrey Pacheco

Writer, gamer, and hater of public transport.

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