Black Desert Mobile – one of the best looking games on mobile

Updated on 15-Apr-2021

Black Desert Online is one of the most popular MMORPGs out there, it is, however, region locked in India, so most of us have probably never heard of it, let alone played it. However, we can definitely play the mobile adaptation of the game.

Black Desert Mobile is easily one of the best looking games on mobile right now. The graphics are on par with mainstream gaming consoles. Of course, it also comes with a hefty download size to compliment that. Black Desert Online's claim to fame was its amazing graphics and flashy combat, all of which has made the transition to Black Desert Mobile. The environment looks great, the animations are great, visually, we can't find any faults with the game. The best part is even if you don't have an amazing smartphone, you can still enjoy the game thanks to its amazing optimisation. They also allow you to tweak graphic settings to find one that works best for you.

The character creation, like with the PC version, is incredibly detailed, you could spend hours here just creating your character. However, compared to the 17 classes that you get to play on the PC game, the measly 5 classes on Black Desert Mobile leaves you wanting more. Additional classes are in the works, as well as their respective awakenings.

Black Desert Mobile Gameplay

Gameplay is not as cookie cutter as other MMO adaptations and is a lot more active. The game eases you into its systems with a tutorial at the start of the game, the moment you're done choosing your class (out of five different classes) and creating your character. But despite it’s tech prowess, it is still unreasonable to expect a full open world map without any loading screens. The loading screens may sound annoying but the game is structured to avoid bothering you with too many disruptions, and travelling to different regions isn’t too time consuming. However the gameplay is in a class of its own, especially compared to its competition. It has a lot of things to do such as world bosses, team events, questing etc. and it is likely you’ll barely scratch the surface of it during the first days. The combat is fast-paced, flashy and thrilling just like its PC counterpart and supports auto-combat too. The MMO aspect of it truly shines when you join a guild to participate in node wars, a massive scale war that is just as hectic as it is exhilarating.It is unfortunately plagued with microtransactions as well.

Black Desert Mobile Verdict

With millions of players currently playing, Black Desert Mobile is a very lively MMO, making it a great time to give Black Desert Mobile a try. It looks amazing, and has a lot of depth and freedom of choice for solo and MMO players alike.

SKOAR – 7.5


Publisher: Pearl Abyss Corp.
Developer: Pearl Abyss Corp.
Platform: Android / iOS
Price: Free

Manish Rajesh

Manish can usually be found fervently playing video games of all kinds or… no wait he’s pretty much always playing games

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