Streamlining the path to product at the intel developer forum 2015

Updated on 05-Oct-2015

All IoT solutions start with a simple prototype

IoT Developers are the next generation of inventors and visionaries. Everywhere I look, it seems like someone is offering a new product or solution. The problems the Internet of Things can solve are ever expanding, especially as developers apply their creativity to conceptualize and implement solutions never before imagined.  The possibilities seem endless. That is why I’m excited that today, our CEO Brian Krzanich, announced our newly expanded Intel® IoT Developer Program, which adds the Intel® IoT Commercial Developer Resources and Kits.  

Since just last year, we have seen an explosion of use in the Intel IoT Developer Zone with nearly a quarter of a million developers and 300+ projects showcased on sites such as, and demonstrating the strength of the Intel IoT platform. Over 50 events saw thousands of attendees learn, develop and produce great proofs of concept that continue to inspire many to bring their ideas to fruition. 
At a recent hackathon in Portland, we challenged a small group of inventors to produce transportation related projects.  We saw devices that ranged from helping the blind walk the city streets safely to a smart baby stroller. The Intel IoT Developer Kit proved valuable in helping developers realize their initial designs. However, interactions like these have also shown us the need developers have in taking their designs to the next level. As a result, we continue to evolve and strengthen our software and hardware offerings to enable a smooth development flow. 

The introduction of the Intel IoT Commercial Developer Kit is part of that evolution, to provide a complete scalable solution for IoT developers that enables a path from prototype to product that is more streamlined and is easy to innovate. The kit includes an Intel® Galileo Board, a variety of sensors, and Wind River software. Intel IoT Commercial Developer Kits combine an end to end solution of APIs, security, cloud connectivity, and IDEs to meet the needs of developers. 

Cloud analytics is an ever increasing function within IoT development.  With new services coming online regularly the kit is designed to scale to a variety of data enabling needs. The kit provides access to sample code for connecting to 3rd party cloud services such as Amazon* Web Services (AWS), Microsoft* Azure*, IBM* Bluemix* and more.   

The Intel IoT Commercial Developer Kit provides several other components to the end to end solution offerings. Wind River* Linux adds a variety of tools throughout the platform to address security, manageability and scalability aspects.  Additionally, the Wind River* Intelligent Device Platform* XT streamlines your development, integration, and deployment onto IoT Gateways.  

All IoT solutions start with a simple prototype, and with the use of the Intel IoT Commercial Developer Kit, I see an easier future for developers. With our expanded platform and offerings, we feel that developers will embrace the scalability and control becoming available to them. Go online to request an Intel IoT Commercial Developer Kit to see first-hand the ease of use and expanded capabilities available.

For more information about IoT Gateways and to get notified when the Intel IoT Commercial Developer Kit becomes available visit the Embedded Design Center.

To learn more about our IoT Developer Program see the Intel® IoT Developer Zone  

For more such intel IoT resources and tools from Intel, please visit the Intel® Developer Zone


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