Recent trends in Platform as a Service

Recent trends in Platform as a Service

In the modern business environment, customer-friendly Web applications and services are key to profitability. For many companies, the costs of developing and deploying apps to provide customer care and support can be prohibitive.

Cloud computing has evolved as a business strategy to help companies overcome this challenge. One of these cloud models, Platform as a Service (PaaS), provides users a computing platform, such as Google App Engine, that allows them to develop, run and manage Web apps without needing to build or maintain any of the associated infrastructure.

In recent years, a number of developments are laying the foundation for businesses to embrace PaaS. Here are some trends that are likely to shape the PaaS landscape in the future:

Open API and open source

Several major PaaS players have switched to using open standards and open source runtime and implementation. This has helped in standardizing PaaS offerings and laid to rest the ghost of the dreaded “lock-in”.

Easy adoption and extensibility

The need of the hour is to make platforms extensible and easily adoptable by all. PaaS vendors such as Red Hat and Pivotal have already made headway in this respect, by open sourcing their core PaaS platforms, while others such as Heroku are providing extensibility via Buildpacks, which allow plugging in stacks and runtimes that are not already supported by the PaaS platform in question.

Microservices made easy

Apps that leverage the microservices architecture are ideal to build using PaaS. In a microservices architecture, an application is split into a number of small independent services that interact with each other. Using PaaS, each service can be easily developed, deployed and scaled independently, and can be accessed by multiple devices.

Leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT)

PaaS is the preferred cloud platform for developing IoT services due to its elasticity, scalability and connectivity via a plethora of devices. With many PaaS vendors already integrating IoT capabilities into their platforms, the possibilities for the future are endless.

Besides the overall benefits of cloud such as usage-based pricing and reduced operational spend, the most obvious benefit to using PaaS is speed to market for products and services across industries.

When the need of the hour is constant innovation, PaaS provides the much-needed increase in developer productivity and on-demand scaling, along with shortening the software development lifecycle.

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This article has been provided by Accenture



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