Pooductive, a toilet chatting app, aims to banish bathroom boredom!

Pooductive, a toilet chatting app, aims to banish bathroom boredom!

Claims to connect you with friends and strangers who're using the toilet and have nothing better to do than chat away.

Enough of flicking through webpages, checking your newsfeeds, and incessant Whatsapp messages. How about doing something different? Especially while you're on the toilet? Well, Pooductive is what you need. A chat app while you're busy minding your private business. No, we aren't kidding.

Some of us like to read newspapers, others like to read a book – mankind has gone to great lengths to ensure it does more than just one important thing while using the toilet. It's only natural that in the age of smartphones, we would reach for our handheld devices to beat our bathroom boredom. And the guys at Pooductive aim to exploit that need – distract us while we're busy doing our business on the pot.

If its logo isn't straightforward enough, Pooductive describes itself as an app that "lets you chat with friends and strangers who are on the toilet, somewhere across the world (or your neighbourhood), at the same time as you."

Apart from creating a fellowship of toilet-addicted chatheads, Pooductive developers are driven by a far nobler mission. According to The Guardian, Pooductive hopes to connect with some big charities that focus on clean water and improving hygiene standards in developing countries.

We should mention that Pooductive's concept failed to takeoff on Kickstarter, managing to get the support of only three backers (we wonder why). And the app's USP – connecting people from around the world to chat while they're all using the toilet simultaneously – isn't really a strong motivator. The app expects everyone to use it while they're on the toilet – if you were chatting on it from your bedroom, no one would be any the wiser.

Currently only available on the iOS platform, if you're having an especially boring weekend, don't forget to download Pooductive on your smartphone next time you use it on your loo break. Remember to flush on your way out, though!

Jayesh Shinde

Jayesh Shinde

Executive Editor at Digit. Technology journalist since Jan 2008, with stints at Indiatimes.com and PCWorld.in. Enthusiastic dad, reluctant traveler, weekend gamer, LOTR nerd, pseudo bon vivant. View Full Profile
