Now is the Time to be Proactive with Security

Now is the Time to be Proactive with Security

Security is Key

Intel is motivated to help the industry obtain the best return on investment in cybersecurity. A strong cyber posture is core to winning and maintaining consumer satisfaction and confidence. So what can be done to help companies avoid devastating security breaches? My suggestion—as always—is to become proactive with security measures.

The Damage of Insecure Accounts

As we’ve seen, a single breached account is one too many. This is because a single breach has the potential to expose a large amount of sensitive information, including: names, date of birth, email addresses, telephone numbers, encrypted passwords, and much more. True, some of those can also be found via a simple Google* search or by flipping through a phonebook. But once passwords are stolen, the problem becomes more serious.

Given this potential exposure, have you taken the time to craft a unique and secure password for each online account that you log into—or do you have one easy-to-remember password for everything? Many people use one password because convenience trumps security from their perspective.

Hackers looking to steal sensitive information are thus highly motivated to find that one password that could unleash access to multiple sources of value. It is always worth taking the extra time to craft unique passwords. Password managers, especially those like Dashlane and True Key that have been hardened with Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX), offer a good balance of convenience and security. 

Intel’s Solution

This is not the time to panic, but it is the time to prepare. Intel prioritizes measures that protect the user, their hardware, and the interfaces in between. Our approach is explained in my recent article, the talk I gave recently at RSA, as well as in this article specifically about security innovations.  

At Intel we have built security measures directly into our chips and worked with other companies to offer simple-but-effective consumer-facing security solutions, such as two-factor authentication. 

How many accounts must be breached before security becomes the focus of all tech companies? What will it take to awaken everyone to the need for a strong security foundation? I look forward to the time when we celebrate our security successes rather than discuss the shortcomings. 

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