Intel Software Innovators Shine at Intel’s Google I/O Day Zero Party

Updated on 06-Jun-2020

Intel's Google I/O Day Zero Party is a can't miss event traditionally held the night before Google IO in May. This annual Intel developer networking event is aimed towards the Google ecosystem as well as developers who may be expanding into new segments (automotive, wearables, IoT, etc.). Held in the Devil's Canyon Brewery in San Carlos (right between San Francisco and Mountain View for easy access!), this casual event with a wide variety of cutting-edge demos from Intel staff and Intel Software Innovators was a sold-out affair with live music, great food, drinks, and a ton of very engaged developers eager to see what Intel had to showcase. Plus, it's just a lot of fun!
The Intel Software Innovators were at the Day Zero party with innovative demos focused on automotive/aftermarket, VR, AR, and AI/IOT. All four demos were quite popular, with developers standing 3-4 people deep to get a chance to talk with the Innovator. Here's a quick look at each of these demos:

Android Auto Aftermarket || Console Enterprises/Christopher Price

This proof of concept built by Intel Software Innovator/Intel Black Belt Developer Chris Price demonstrated how Intel Atom embedded solutions can quickly, and affordably, deliver Android Auto to millions of existing cars. Running on Intel Atom Cherry Trail and Apollo Lake, this Android Auto platform running on an embeddable device (tablet) showed solution providers how Android Auto can be made into a drop-in solution using Intel Atom. As well, Intel Atom BSPs and flexibility in IOT allows Android Auto to get deployed in just about any car, but in mere minutes – rather than weeks and possible months of research and development. It's Android Auto in an embedded, consumerized solution, demonstrating Intel scalability and go-to market capability in the connected car ecosystem. 

Clever Robot Labs – Wizards/Cyrus Lum

Revisualize a real area with a virtual one – your room turns into a castle and you battle a  sorcerer who unleashes a Giant Beast who will crush the walls around you to get to you!

This innovative demo showcased real time scanning and revisualization of an environment to a virtual one instantly using Google Tango Technology.  Attendees were able to interact with virtual characters that reacted to the real phyiscal environment around them, showing the future of mixed reality beyond simple object placement to full scene reconstruction. 

This technology is based on previous ZR300 RealSense solutions and can be available to Project Alloy and other headsets that will use outside in VR / AR technologies. This technology is a modular system and will allow any developer to quickly and easily create mixed reality experiences.

OnTheWall – SmartHome Hub/Paul Langdon

This smart mirror is a "calm technology" home hub for integrating information into your house. Utilizing AI, the mirror serves to present relevant data to the correct user as they approach the mirror. Added voice controls allow smart home integration and real-time display customization. 

Featuring the brand new Google Cloud voice API, edge computing for face recognition, and Chromium for UI, the demo provides a view into a future home technology experience, using off the shelf technology from Intel and Google. 

The demo shows how use of Intel IoT technologies can seemlessly work with Google technologies like Google Assistant to turn add value to normal non- tech things like a mirror. Tango Spatial Mapper & VR Viewer/Jameson Detweiler

The Spatial Mapper app for Google Tango makes it easy to create 3D point cloud maps of any place in the world. Our VR viewer allows you to explore the maps you create in VR, map the world in 3D with a smartphone, teleport to anywhere that has been mapped using VR, and explore how machines can see & understand our world.

This innovative solution utilizes Google Tango enabled phones (such as the Lenovo Phab II Pro) for mapping, with the HTC Vive with Intel PC for the VR “Map Viewer”, built in WebVR and accessed through Chrome. 

Direct from the Innovator: "Intel architecture is the preferred solution both for processing the 3D maps we create and viewing them on a Vive HMD. We've built an app that is only possible because of Google Tango features, and our backend is entirely built on Google Cloud.

Also, Chromium's support for WebVR makes our VR viewer possible. Our mapping solution makes it easy for anyone creating an AR, VR or robotics application that needs a 3D map to get started.This demo will show developers how an Intel powered machine can do amazing things in AR, VR and robotics all through WebVR."

These are just a few of the Intel Software Innovators that are regularly doing amazing stuff  around the world with Intel architecture. Curious and want more information? Check out the Intel® Software Innovator Program page to find out more. 

For more such intel IoT resources and tools from Intel, please visit the Intel® Developer Zone


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