Intel Optimized Tensorflow Wheel Now Available

Updated on 05-Jun-2020

Intel's Tensorflow optimizations are now available for Linux as a wheel installable through pip.

For more information on the optimizations as well as performance data, see this blog post.

To install the wheel into an existing Python installation, simply run

# Python 2.7
pip install
# Python 3.5
pip install
# Python 3.6
pip install

Edit 10/12/17: Wheel paths have been updated to 1.3.0

To create a conda environment with Intel Tensorflow that also takes advantage of the Intel Distribution for Python’s optimized numpy, run

conda create -n tf -c intel python=<2|3> pip numpy
. activate tf
# Python 3.5
pip install
# Python 2.7
pip install

Conda Package Now Available in Intel Python 2018

A conda package of Intel's optimized Tensorflow comes with the new 2018 Intel Python distribution on Linux.  You can also create a conda environment with Intel Optimized Tensorflow with the following commands:

conda create -n intel_tf -c intel –override-channels tensorflow
source activate intel_tf

For more such intel IoT resources and tools from Intel, please visit the Intel® Developer Zone


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