Intel Developer Mesh: Editor’s Picks October 2017

Updated on 05-Jun-2020

Every month I pick out 5 projects from Intel® Developer Mesh that I find interesting and share them with you. There is a diverse array of projects on the site, so narrowing it down to just five can be difficult! I hope you’ll take a few minutes to find out why each of these projects caught my eye and then hop over to mesh to see what other projects interest you.

Driving Buddy

As people age they get concerned about their own driving. They want to keep their independence and continue being safe drivers. Intel® Software Innovator Geeta Chauan has designed Driving Buddy which will help the elderly to drive better during challenging conditions such as night time. By using compute vision and deep learning, along with the Intel® Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick (NCS) Geeta will help to make the elderly feel young again and empower them to take control of their lifestyle. Intel’s NCS and edge devices will do the inferencing on the edge in real time and by harnessing the power of deep learning on the edge, the elderly will be able to drive safely to all the places they need to go.

Cash Recognition for Visually Impaired

As an initiative for the Nepalese visually impaired community, Intel® Student Ambassador Kshitiz Rimalhas designed an app that will help them to recognize notes without any hassle. As you can imagine, it is quite difficult and stressful for visually impaired people to handle day-to-day monetary transactions since they can’t easily recognize bank notes. With this app, powered by deep learning technology, a user can hover their smartphone over a note and the application will recognize it and play audio enabling the user to hear and know the value of the note. The current version will be for Nepalese currency and will be bilingual with Nepalese and English languages as audio playback.

Eko System

Time is valuable and people can have a hard time people can have a hard time finding time to both work and live, especially with the additional effort of taking care of children or pets. Intel® Software Innovator Zayen Chagra and his team come up with the idea of a solution they call Eko System which has four categories of monitoring: Eko Aquarium, Eko Cage, Eko Cradle, and Eco Babycare. The idea is to create a collection of IoT based products that monitor an ecosystem. For example with the aquarium category the device can monitor the temperature, oxygen level, feeding, water cleanliness, etc. and alert the user if anything is off. This way the user can spend less time worrying about their fish and only step in if the sensors show there is a need. Obviously the complexity goes up as the category changes from fish, to animal, to child, but the user can be less mentally burdened when they know the temperature, air quality, humidity, gas levels of the child’s room are normal.

Facial Features and Voice Correlation Research

Is there a relationship between someone’s facial features and their voice? This is the question that Intel® Student Ambassador Alfred Ongere is researching in his latest project. The aim of the research project is to determine whether there is a direct relationship between a human being’s face and their voice. And if so, can we develop a system that could predict someone’s facial features with a degree of accuracy based on their voice. Alfred plans to use deep learning in his research to understand the connection and predictability.


Intel® Software Innovator Michael Schloh proposes that just as holding your hands under an automatic faucet becomes second nature, semi-autonomous home lighting will too while also yielding both comfort and conserving energy. Using a 5G Sub-gigahertz connected IoT Microcontroller for ambient light sensing, you can conserve energy and keep intruders away. The device can sense ambient light levels in a home or office, identify if people are away or sleeping, and adjust the light level as necessary. With low cost for the device parts and manufacturing, low maintenance, and the additional benefits of vision health, comfortable living, and less energy waste, Monolight technology could soon become a normal and expected feature in our home and offices.

For more such intel IoT resources and tools from Intel, please visit the Intel® Developer Zone


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