Digit AI Guide: Find the best AI apps for social media managers, creative writers, and content creators

Digit AI Guide: Find the best AI apps for social media managers, creative writers, and content creators

If you are someone who hasn’t gotten on to the AI bandwagon yet, you are in the right place. As we celebrate Digit’s 23rd Anniversary, we decided to curate a comprehensive list of apps that would assist you in getting the most out of AI no matter what you do. If you social media manager, creative writer, or content creator, then you will definitely find a use for AI apps in your day, and we will ensure that you are equipped with the right app across budgets.

In this article, which is part of a multi-article series about the use of AI across different domains, we will cover the use of AI for social media managers, creative writers, and content creators while also recommending AI-powered applications for you to consider if you are working in these domains. 

Best AI apps for Social Media Managers

Best AI apps for Social Media Managers

AI is revolutionising social media management with capabilities like content creation, trend analysis, sentiment analysis, chatbots, image recognition, ad optimisation, predictive analysis, personalisation, influencer identification, and crisis management. It can generate creative content, identify emerging trends, gauge public sentiment, handle customer queries, analyse images, suggest ad optimisations, predict future trends, personalise content, identify influencers, and alert managers about sudden negative changes in sentiment. Various tools are available for each capability, enhancing the effectiveness of social media strategies and freeing up time for managers.

It can create content that aligns with trends and resonates with the audience, using tools like Articoolo, Quill, and Wordsmith. It can analyse social media data to identify trends and gauge public sentiment, helping managers shape their strategies with tools like Brandwatch, Crimson Hexagon, Talkwalker, Clarabridge, Brand24, and Meltwater. AI-powered chatbots like MobileMonkey, Chatfuel, and ManyChat can handle customer queries, freeing up managers’ time. Image recognition tools like Google Cloud Vision, Amazon Rekognition, and Clarifai can analyze images for brand mentions. 

Ad optimisation tools like Pattern89, Revealbot, and Trapica can improve ROI by analysing ad performance and suggesting optimizations. Predictive analysis tools like IBM Watson, SAS, and RapidMiner can predict future trends based on historical data. Personalisation tools like Dynamic Yield, Optimizely, and Personyze can tailor content to different audience segments. Influencer identification tools like BuzzSumo, Klear, and NinjaOutreach can help find influencers to amplify the brand’s message. For crisis management, tools like Crisp, Dataminr, and ZeroFOX can alert managers to sudden negative sentiment changes and protect the brand from threats.

AI not only automates routine tasks but also provides valuable insights that can guide strategy. However, it’s important to remember that AI is a tool and its effectiveness depends on how well it’s used. It’s also crucial to respect privacy regulations when using AI on social media data. 

Best AI apps for Social Media Managers

Also Read: Digit AI Guide: Find the right AI apps for students, teachers, and researchers

Best AI apps for Content Creators

Best AI apps for Content Creators

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionising content creation and optimisation across various domains. AI tools like GPT-3, Articoolo, and WordAi facilitate content generation by producing human-like text for blogs and social media, streamlining the creative process. For content optimisation, AI evaluates content against high-performing keywords, with tools like Clearscope and MarketMuse offering SEO and engagement enhancement suggestions. In graphic design, AI suggests layouts and design elements, exemplified by Canva and Lumen5, which generate customisable design proposals. 

Video editing is expedited by AI’s ability to suggest edits and effects, with tools like Magisto and Adobe Premiere Pro’s Auto Reframe feature simplifying the editing workflow. AI also extends to voice-over and audio editing, with Descript and WellSaid Labs generating natural-sounding voice-overs and editing audio content.

For content planning and strategy, AI analyses trends to inform strategies, with BuzzSumo and SparkToro providing industry-specific performance insights. Audience engagement is enhanced by AI’s analysis of social media interactions, with tools like Hootsuite Insights offering engagement improvement strategies. AI’s role in automated subtitles and transcriptions is evident in tools like Rev, which transcribe audio and generate video subtitles. Translation services by AI, such as DeepL, enable creators to reach a global audience by accurately translating content into multiple languages. 

Lastly, AI personalises content by analysing audience data, with tools like OneSpot tailoring content to individual preferences, ensuring relevance and engagement. These AI-driven tools collectively empower creators to produce, optimise, and personalise content efficiently, catering to diverse audiences and maximising impact.

Remember, while AI can greatly assist in content creation, it’s also important to maintain a human touch in your content. AI should be used as a tool to enhance creativity, not replace it.

Best AI apps for Content Creators

Best AI apps for Creative Writers

Best AI apps for Creative Writers

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the writing landscape, offering tools for idea generation, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3, which generates content continuations from prompts, aiding in overcoming writer’s block. Grammar and spell check tools like Grammarly ensure polished, error-free writing. For style improvement, Hemingway Editor and ProWritingAid suggest enhancements to make text more engaging. AI also breaks language barriers with translation tools like Google Translate, enabling global reach.

To maintain originality, plagiarism check tools like Turnitin scan the internet to detect similarities. Content optimisation for SEO is streamlined with SEMRush, guiding writers to improve online visibility. Sentiment analysis tools like IBM Watson Tone Analyzer gauge emotional impact, providing a sentiment score. AI simplifies content condensation through text summarisation tools like SMMRY, extracting key points for brief overviews.

For those who prefer dictation, voice-to-text services like Google’s Voice Typing transcribe speech instantly. Lastly, AI aids in research assistance, with platforms like Google Scholar offering relevant academic insights. These AI-driven tools collectively enhance the writing process, ensuring efficiency, creativity, and broadening audience engagement.

Remember, while AI can greatly assist in the writing process, it’s important for you to review and edit the AI-generated content to ensure it aligns with their unique voice and style. AI is a tool to aid creativity, not replace it. 

Best AI apps for Creative Writers

This article was originally published in the June 2024 issue of Digit magazine. Subscribe now.

For all things AI, do not forget to check out Digit[AI]zed – Your AI Navigator.

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