3 Questions Every Game Developer Should Ask Before they Begin Developing:

Updated on 19-May-2016

In January we brought the Intel® Buzz Workshop series to Montreal for the first time. Montreal in January? YES! It was cold (for those of us from Oregon) but it was amazing! We partnered with IGDA Montreal to host our event during the day before their 10th Annual Demo Night. The event kicked off with a keynote from Patrice Desilets and had panels and talks on funding, tech, design and more.

Intel is good at the tech side of things. Game devs know they can count on us to steer them right when it comes to graphics techniques, optimization, Q/A. When it comes to funding, design and monetization we like to let the experts who do it for a living step in. To that end, Derek Elliott of Execution Labs delivered an excellent talk entitled “Are you Making the Right Game?” He takes an analysis driven approach to how he helps game devs think about the games they’re making and why they’re making them. He also unpacked his concepts by way of a fictional case study. Three of the top questions that stood out to me were centered around your games vision:

  • Why are you making THIS game?
  • Who are we making this game for?
  • What is this game?

This is all unpacked in his talk – the slides from his talk can all be found on our 2016 Intel® Buzz Montreal Page

For more such intel resources and tools from Intel on Game, please visit the Intel® Game Developer Zone

Source: https://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2016/01/28/3-questions-every-game-developer-should-ask-before-they-begin-developing

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