Title | Shob Choritro |
Release status | Released |
Release date | Feb 20, 2022 |
OTT Release date | Not available on any OTT Platform right now |
Language | Bengali |
Actors | Anirban Chakrabarti, Iman Chakraborty, Paran Banerjee |
"Abinash Mitra is a writer who is in search of a story, a story from a real life person. He meets a very interesting character ...Read More
Meantime police inspector Debabrata takes up the case and starts investigation. He finds some clue. Abinash realizes that he has some superpower. He gets convinced when she sees Minalini in his friend’s party and finds resemblance to his character. He gets scared. Is Mrinalini going to die next ? Abinash plans to kidnap Mrinalini and keeps him in a safe shelter. Debabrata plans a trap to catch him. Seema, Soma and Tulika becomes pivotal roles in the plan. Will Abinash be able to survive ? Or one more death ?"
Shob Choritro is not available on any OTT Platform right now.
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