Title | Pehla Pyaar - Less Than 1% Chance (पहला प्यार -लेस दैन 1% चांस) |
Release status | Released (OTT Release) |
Release date | Aug 04, 2024 |
OTT Release date | Aug 04, 2024 |
Parental Rating | U/A 13+ |
Language | Hindi |
Genre | Romance, Drama |
Actors | Krrish Rao, James Ghadge, Sarwam Kulkarni, Arista Mehta, Ramshankar Singh |
Director | Swapnaneel Jayakar |
Digit binge rating | 8.9 |
Streaming on | SonyLiv |
Pehla Pyaar - Less Than 1% Chance is a romantic drama series on Sony LIV. The story revolves around a young boy named Murli Sharma, ...Read More
The series explores the magic and challenges of first love, highlighting the emotional journey of Murli as he navigates his feelings for Nandini. The show stars Arista Mehta and Krish Rao in the lead roles. Does this sound like a show you’d be interested in watching?
Pehla Pyaar - Less Than 1% Chance | Ep 2 & 3 | RECAP | पहला प्यार - लेस देन १ % चांस
Pehla Pyaar- Less than 1% Chance | Streaming Now | New Episodes Mon-Fri 7 PM
NEW! Murli ने क्यों Refuse किया Vikram का Offer? | Pehla Pyaar - Less Than 1% Chance| Ep 32 | Teaser
Pehla Pyaar - Less Than 1% Chance | Ep 29 & 30 | Recap | पहला प्यार - लेस देन 1% चांस
Pehla Pyaar—Less than 1% Chance| Shaheer Sheikh, Erika Fernandes| 5th Aug| New Episodes Mon-Fri 7 PM
Pehla Pyaar - Less Than 1% Chance | Ep 28 & 29 | Recap | पहला प्यार - लेस देन 1% चांस
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