Title | Eka Lagnachi Dusri Goshta |
Release status | Released (OTT Release) |
Release date | Jan 15, 2012 |
Language | Marathi |
Genre | Romance, Drama |
Actors | Parharsh Naik, Manjusha Godse, Rhishikesh Joshi, Shrikar Pitre, Sukanya Kulkarni Mone, Satish Tare, Vinay Apte, Umesh Kamat, Mohit Gokhale, Sandeep Pathak, Leena Bhagwat, Sunil Abhyankar, Samir Choughule, Ila Bhate, Girish Joshi, Shridhar Limaye, Spruha Joshi, Prajakta Hanamghar, Milind Phatak, Mohan Joshi, Asawari Joshi, Mukta Barve, Swapnil Joshi |
Streaming on | ZEE5 |
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