Chinni (చిన్ని)

Chinni (చిన్ని)

Telugu | Release Date Jul 01, 2024


Chinni (చిన్ని) : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Episodes

Chinni (చిన్ని) Storyline

Chinni is a drama series that airs on Disney+Hotstar. The story revolves around Chinni, a young girl who was born and raised behind bars. Despite ...Read More

her challenging upbringing, Chinni is determined to confront the outside world and strives to free her mother from prison. The series follows Chinni’s journey as she navigates the complexities of life outside the prison walls, facing numerous obstacles and adversities. Along the way, she encounters various characters who impact her life in different ways, adding depth and intrigue to the storyline. The show is known for its emotional depth and compelling narrative, making it a captivating watch for viewers who enjoy intense drama and heartfelt stories.

Where to Watch / Stream Chinni (చిన్ని) Online

Chinni (చిన్ని) OTT release date: Jul 01, 2024

Chinni (చిన్ని) is a much-anticipated Telugu show streaming on Hotstar

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