Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस)

Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस)

Other | Historical

Hindi | Release Date Aug 13, 2024


Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस) : Release Date, Trailer, Cast & Episodes

Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस) Storyline

Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies is a non-fiction Indian television series that aired on Epic TV. The show delves into the lives of some ...Read More

of India’s greatest spies, both from the pre- and post-Independence eras. Each episode highlights the life of a different spy, showcasing their bravery, the dangers they faced, and their significant contributions to various causes.The series covers a range of historical figures, including:

  • Bahirji Naik, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj’s chief intelligence officer.
  • Noor Inayat Khan, a descendant of Tipu Sultan who spied for the British in Paris during World War II.
  • Ravindra Kaushik, who infiltrated Pakistan’s army.
  • Ajit Doval, known for his role in Operation Black Thunder against Khalistani terrorists.

The show is praised for its engaging storytelling and historical accuracy, making it a fascinating watch for those interested in espionage and Indian history.


Where to Watch / Stream Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस) Online

Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस) OTT release date: Aug 12, 2024

Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस) is a much-anticipated Hindi show streaming on Prime Video , Discovery Plus

Adrishya: Undercover Stories of Indian Spies (अदृश्य : अंडरकवर स्टोरीज ऑफ़ इंडियन स्पिएस) Trailer and Promotional Videos

Adrishya - Ajit Doval | Full Episode | Indian Spy Master | Operation Black Thunder | EPIC

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