This page contains a list of all movies which are available to stream, watch, rent or buy online.
30 days
You can watch movies and show available on KLiKK for 30 days and on 2 screens.
365 days
You can watch movies and show available on KLiKK for 365 days and on 2 screens.
KLiKK is a one stop video & music streaming destination for the largest collection of the best in Bengali entertainment via App store (Android & iOS), Web, Android TV, Chrome cast, Fire stick, etc.
We presently bring you a well-curated catalogue, with more movies being added on regular interval. You can choose from critically acclaimed Classics by icons like Satyajit Ray, Uttam Kumar and Soumitra Chatterjee to modern-day hits by Prosenjit, Rahul etc. is one of the most trusted and popular technology media portals in India. At Digit it is our goal to help Indian technology users decide what tech products they should buy. We do this by testing thousands of products in our two test labs in Noida and Mumbai, to arrive at indepth and unbiased buying advice for millions of Indians.